Hallo, I saw a post on this form stating wool is cruel and rather than starting a seperate discussion within a discussion I would just ask here.My knowledge of the wool producing industry is from a European perspective, as I used to help as a child to shorn sheep of their wool. Sheep have to be shorn in the summer month as they over heat and get heart attacks otherwise. Also it prevents blue bottles flies from laying their eggs on the sheep wool during the summer which then literally eats them alive by autumn. It's really gross to see maggots eating a poor sheeps behind. That's one of the reasons one finds sheep skulls up the mountains in commonage-lands, as farmers do not have such ease of access to these feral-like sheep.I ask as maybe there is a side to the wool industry that I don't know about, and therefore would like to know of so that I don't support it in the future. But to my knowledge, wool is just a byproduct that needs to be removed from sheep for their health, true those sheep exist for the meat industry but boycotting the buying of wool products doesn't deterr the sheep-meat industry.. In Europe people are still eating meat ( as elsewhere) so why not use a product that otherwise would just be waste?I only ask to learn, as I've never thought about this concept before that wool is cruel. Perhaps the collection of wool is not cruel where I'm from, but it may be elsewhere?Ananas
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