What do guys need to know to become the man that gets the girl he desires most?
What about a man makes you want to get to know him better?
What do guys do that turn you on?
Answer any or all for the men here on 30 bad.
What do guys need to know to become the man that gets the girl he desires most?
What about a man makes you want to get to know him better?
What do guys do that turn you on?
Answer any or all for the men here on 30 bad.
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If you don't get the girl you like to like you back just by being who you are, you are wasting your time. :)
best quality/ies a guy can have is/are (in my opinion at least) - integrity, courage, morals, truthfulness, passion, determination, intelligence and a goal in life to follow and to aspire to! right there is a guy for life!
Confidence definately :-)
I don't think you can keep her unless you are genuine. If you are doing things that are just to sweep her off her feet than you already lost. First I would decide to BE the person you want to be.
Celibacy is sexy.
Its totally not confident, right?!
Fun, spontaneous spark gets me. Like he has a lot of stuff going on, a lot of interests. I'm attracted to a man because he's exciting. This doesn't always work out the best for me!
I dig raw vegan guys! They don't smell bad. :D
Of course, a confident man is such a turn on. It makes you feel more at ease. :)
oh i forgot one huuuge one for me: that he is able to hug, give looots of hugssssss, yeah, that get me crazy in looooooove and that the case of my man. I mean hug without need for sex, just hug for the sake of it. i can see that in advance if i see that he is joyful and able to find time and willingness to help others just for the sake of it. That's a good sign for me that he has love to give.
the one quality in particular is not just for men but when a man has it it definitely attracts my attention: this is his willingness and ability to help others, esp. spend lots of time on this, doing it very efficiently, and even if money is not given as an exchange of this help, just help for the sake of it and esp. in the field of human rights. May sound crazy but this attracts me way more than the physical aspect of a man. Just a few weeks ago I was single, not worried at to find a man, I was traveling and there was a man there extremely handsome (very well built up), my age, just the right size (a bit higher than me), joyful, etc. but all these did not make me loose my mind for him at all. I was not even thinking of him as a potential bf. But when he told me shortly what he did for human rights... wow... that got me flying... and then and only then i looked at his other quality before attempting to start the relationship. off course i like if i see that they are able to look at the truth, examine it esp. regarding diet and if needed change their viewpoint. Flexible mentally and spiritually.