sodium (30)

Low Energy on Rawtill4/HCLF

Hey so I have been eating pretty much Rawtill4 (sometimes have fully raw days and (not very often) occasionally eating big salads or miso soup (yes sodium bleh) at lunch for the about last past month. I feel really low energy still though, even thoug

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Sodium Levels on 80 10 10

I have only one concern with this diet - how are people getting adequate sodium?  I am having a huge amount of greens (in comparison the same amount of greens/leaves as those with role model 811 daily food intakes) - namely an extremely big bowl of g

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salt levels too low??

so i have cystic fibrosis and ive been doing the 80/10/10 hcrv thing for about a month now. its going great- my digestion is so much better, my skin is clearing up, etc , but my only concern is i know that people with cystic fibrosis need more sodium

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