I need some comfort words. Is there any hope that I will get rid of my acne? :/
I have been doing 80/10/10 (no overtfats) for 2 months then I have switched to potatoes in the evening bc I can't manage eating enough calories without bananas and dates. So I am on this lifestyle for 8 months now and my acne didn’t got any better. This month it is even worse.
I drink enough water but often I don’t get enough of sleep (6-7 hours on average).
I can accept that I am fat bc I am healing but my face is so horrible. Sometimes I just cant stand looking in the mirror :(.
Have someone waited for their acne to heal for that long also?
No hot showers, just room temperature water to wash body and face. May I ask what your skincare routine looks like?
I have no routine at all, just water
Eliminate suspect foods to try to discover them as a possible cause. Also, wash any conventional fruit thoroughly and buy reduced organic produce or grow some of your own if you can.
It is not just food that can contribute to acne, many other aspects (stress, skincare, lifestyle, genetics) could also play a role. Give up dairy 100% if you haven't already. 40Below Fruity also has a useful video about this on her YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7Yxzv1sabQ
I have been vegan for 2 years already. For ethical reasons.
Yes stress can cause everything.
Genetics also.
Thank you for your advices.
It is just what I needed - there are some people who have acne even they are longer on this lifestyle. :)
It is just so discourgaing to read "I am 1 month raw and my acne and scars are healed".
Before going 80/10/10 I was vegan already for almost 2 years and I was also avoiding grains and other unhealthy processed products.
yes i can truly testify that getting more sleep might help u! sleepingmore has helped my skin tons! there is a discussion that i posted my before and after pics so far. ive been doing it 811 for 9 months now and its just now starting to get better now that im getting more sleep and drinking more water.
Do you get much sun on your face? That can help.
Maybe this is the gets worse before it gets better phase? It took me three years of being vegan and eating organic before my face started to clear up. And today I have a massive pimple on my chin...and I'm not even sure why exactly.
My acne also got worse when I went 100% raw. My digestive system changed, my breath changed, my weight changed, a lot changed. Detox will absolutely do that to you.
I gave it some time and now I've been 100% raw for a year and a half and indeed my body has changed again. My skins and acne is MUCH BETTER than it was before. I still have some acne sure, but good golly miss molly it was a lot worse before.
I also don't use any facial or body products anymore and do my best to get plenty of sleep and sunshine. I've learned this helps a lot in combination with giving your body time to detoxify.