
  • ok… system seemed to stick about the .12 second or thereabouts mark and I just moved/assisted the cursor a little and the rest of the video continued flawlessly.  good luck.

    • Thanks i tried to do what you suggested chancesare 

      with same result,so

      i'm just trying to paddle along by myself and having fun is always fun to learn anything new.

  • Welcome to 30BaD and sorry if things are not going smoothly.  

    See if any of these ideas work for tech issues

    Otherwise, just keep digging around till you get comfortable with the format.  We are mostly a social site based on a raw fruitarian site with discussion assisting each other in troubleshooting our diet and lifestyles.  We do have some science based articles to back up what we teach....

    The following formula works well for long term health and success:

    Diet in a Banana Peel 

    Eat a raw frugivore diet where most carbohydrates and calories come from whole raw ripe sweet and juicy fruits like oranges, papaya, or mangoes, supplemented with about ½-2 heads of lettuce greens a day (not kale, chard, and spinach) and about a handful of raw nuts or seeds a day. Eat simple meals but a rainbow of foods over a period of time.  

    Eat enough on a daily basis with at least 2500 calories for females and at least 3000 calories for males.  Drink 2-4 quarts of water a day and pee clear. Get 8-12 hours of sleep as needed. Exercise about 30 minutes a day 5-6 days a week with at least one day off for rest and repairs.  Get about 30 minutes of sunshine a day on your skin for vitamin D, mental health, eye health, and healthy bones and teeth.

    For more science behind how to this diet optimally for long term success:

    Aloha to 30BaD's Welcome Wagon! - 30 Bananas a Day!

    Peace, PK

    • Thank you PK 

      it looks like i'm getting along anyway without that particular video

      i'm not at all a perfectionist and can live with it

      i'm more interested in the troubleshooting discussions,than getting my technical inabilities sorted out as well

      i'm aiming to learn as I go

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