New 30BaD IPhone APP is here!

After investing a fair bit of time and money we have finally got the 30BaD Iphone APP up and running. You can get our blog and video updates from the APP too. Check it out here>>>


Also to the right of the screen you can subscribe to my new blog

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  • Awesome...just need it avail for andriod!

  • Yeah Freelee we need the Android app . Droid is where it's at as far as development goes. Let us know when your going to make your app available for the actual cool kids on android . Who aren't all drinking the same Kool-Aid lol !!!

  • Is there still problems with this?

    Also, can you login and add new discussions from the app or can you only view things already posted?

  • Can we have an Android App... Pretty Please!  :-)

  • Love the app Freelee. You guys do amazing work.

  • thanks freelee! i'm in the business and i anticipated the first run app to disappoint a lot of people. just because i'm sure that most would anticipate the app to mimic the site more ALA the facebook app on the iphone, since 30 bad is so similar. people want to be able to be logged into the 30bad via the app, be able to upload photos, videos, etc. via the app as well as more easily navigate the site's discussions, blogs, etc.

    that being said, i bought it and love it! i'm sure as the site grows in popularity, there will be a 2.0 in the works that will be more intricate like i described. congrats!!!!

  • I really like it too! Not any problems on my phone as of yet! Good job x
  • I got it as well and it works fine for me but your RawFitBitch page doesnt load for me. The rest works though. 

  • Ok thanks a lot :) Sorry about this folks, I will tell the developer

  • Hi! I bought it today. Though it really is gorgeous I find it is very glitchy. It freezes constantly and doesn't want to load. Maybe something needs to be worked out on it? Really love reading the blogs and interviews. Ty for those:)
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