Hey Forumers, (is that a word its clearly not but it is for me right now)
So ill introduce myself i am 33 yrs old I live in Perth Western Australia I am not the fittest person although I did used to play state hockey and was into power lifting for a while when i was alot younger.
The reason I went vegetarian first (before i went vegan which is more recent) was I ended up being broke as a joke as I had my face slashed open about 18 months ago and I left my job and didnt work for around 15 months. I ended up finding a job cooking meat balls I really needed the money 1 day in to this job I was throwing up at the side of all this dead animal and I felt like a horrible person by day 2 so I quit. I then decided I will become a vegetarian now I never really ate dairy but i was eating eggs was never a fan of like cheeses and milks anyways more recently a few weeks now after seeing with my own eyes what happens to these beautiful animals that are basically being tortured raped mass murdered for even dairy and eggs I took the jump to raw vegan. I have since found a good job as basically just Customer Service / doing the paperwork for a great company pays obviously not the best but its good enough for me.
Durian Rider and Freelee's videos also helped me take the plunge to becoming a Vegan for sure I dont honestly do the raw till four I am basically doing Raw brekkies and lunch then by about two I usually eat a rice / bean dish ive prepared (usually preparing 2 days worth as im a single bloke and pretty lazy in the kitchen although its pretty damn easy to eat healthy haha) I would like to thank these two people, I joined a few facebook groups that slam Durian Rider and Freelee however in my opinion you two are doing a great job and anyone that can help people realise the cruelty we are doing to our fellow critters is in my good books.
Moving on to my physical health part of this. Now I honestly did not do this to become fit although it is the best way to be energetic feel fantastic and im still a bit over weight naturally im a big guy muscle wise but also fat which has basically just been dropping off of me while I eat unlimited amount of calories. I will if people are interested possibly do a timeline of my fitness and weight loss so far and towards the future I am pretty shy person so I may wait till im at like under 10% body fat ahha which hopefully wont take to much longer.
So thats basically my story in a cpl of paragraphs. I would love to hear from people with great recipe's as I am so new to this I really have not eaten anything exotic yet and I dont know where to start as I only just realised I shouldn't eat honey about 2 weeks ago after I ate it I had no idea when i grabbed it out of my pantry I also own 1 pair of shoes that is part leather for work I will be replacing them when I can afford it next week on pay day. (bought them like a year ago)
Best Regards,
Paul Despotakis
P.S. sorry if i posted in wrong area..
G'day, Paul!
Great first post and exactly in the right area.
If it's raw recipes you're seeking, look there this massive 54 page list dating back years:
For cooked items, scan our large video library, as well as this recipe database, which comes from that esteemed source Forks Over Knives: