Ran out of fruit the other day and made the undercarbed choice to drink pasteurized OJ... While it was awesome (carbs straight to the brain!) there was definitely an inflammatory immune response. Even now, 2 days later, I'm not digesting as optimally as I was before.
Has anyone else had this experience? What are your thoughts on cooked juice?
Yep it is poison...
Besides the cooked factor there are two more really good reasons to stay away from Odwalla, Naked and Santa Cruz.
#1) One applies to all canned and bottled fruit and fruit juices: the processing and storing of the fruit releases methyl alcohol that is essentially as harmful as drinking aspartame or loading the body with formaldehyde, see this interview:
Real emergencies where you have no dates available, no fruit whatsoever, no frozen fruit, no fresh smoothies or fresh juices and you have a real problem with any cooked anything like sweet potatoes then I could see drinking fruit juice.
#2) Odwalla, Naked and Santa Cruz all contributed money to stop the labeling of GMOs in the recent California food labeling initiative. That means they want to be able to or already are using GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) in their products. Stay far away imo.
List of financial contributors.
in regard to the video, how do you know the methyl alcohol is released in bottled fruit juice? i only heard him say canned. is the idea that the mechanism is the same in either case?
Whatever you posted is not showing up.
okay how about now?
yup :) thanks
shoot, thanks. ;)
Yes. We got off of cooked/pasteurized OJ before we even were HCLF. It does go straight to the brain, I would get a headache and would also feel sick to my stomach along with a few others in the family.
I found when it came to drinking juice, first thing is that you are dehydrated, next you're undercarbed. If you don't drink enough water then you will have the symptoms of undercarb more quickly. Digestion goes hand in hand with enough water. We don't drink juice anymore. We do eat the white part of the citrus fruits to have more nutrients which seems to make it more of a satisfying meal.
If you don't have it in your house, you won't eat it. Make sure to plan ahead for work, travel, long distance exercise and grocery trips to have water and fruit (or veggie sticks) or you'll continue to make the same mistakes.
Yeah lesson learned.