In this current corporate culture it doesn't make sense to have much loyalty to your company. 401k plans being devoured, layoffs, outsourcing, etc. Anyways, I was wondering what career options are available as a vegan or plant based diet? I'm looking at paid employment as opposed to volunteering.
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Check out Bioneers for very interesting career ideas, lots of people doing innovative stuff!
I really understand what you're saying.
I work at a kind of slimming down gym for women. And yes like in most of those things they sell protein products.
I'm letting all of my custumors know that I do not want to sell this en that they don't have to ask my food advice.
But someday i'm gonna get fired because of this.
seriously don't know what to do either .
veganism isn't a diet , it s a lifestyle and so far it had changed the way I think about everything.
let me know if u find a good answer ;-)
lots of luck with that
become an activist and whatever you end up doing for a job will be centered around that because really changing the world for the better in the most impactful way you can is all you can really ask for in life
You can always be health coach and do youtube videos hahah it's what most people do(?) No, seriously, I have the same question since last year I wanna leave my career cause It has nothing to do with my thoughts now. Currently I don't know what to do
There are many paying jobs that protect those without much influence (people, animals, and environment). Be a college professor and gain tenure, then teach as you wish. Most of the above jobs require lots of higher education. Or be a farmer- formal education not as important but intelligence and hard work still required.
Don't know quite what your expecting people to say, Other than activism which isn't a paid job then you could be more specific. For instance you could look for employment with vegan friendly companies in your area, say like a vegan food producer etc. Unless you know what you want these things aren't going to just happen!