My mum is passionate about spreading the truth on the Chemotherapy topic as she learns more about it herself. There are members on the site who have shunned Chemotherapy and have amazing stories to tell. It should be a great reference for loved ones faced with the prospect in the future. Please join up her site and contribute and help spread the word :)
Have you seen then dvd the 'one answer to cancer'?
I highly recommend it! I haven't finished watching it yet, so I am not sure if it applies to all types of cancer, but it definitly applies to skin cancers.
A black salve you can make at home just draws the cancer right out of the body! sounds too good to be true but has been used safely for thousands of years.
Yes black salve is awesome, I don't know if it's still available in Canada legally. There are actually quite a number of natural ways to eliminate cancer from your body with out eliminating you. Black salve is one of the more effective ones.
But the better idea is avoid getting it in the first place by living in a manner conducive to health, eg. 811 diet, exercise, sunshine, etc
DIZZY posts - doing 811 with style!!!
I almost had forgotten I signed up there, thanks for the reminder =)
DIZZY posts - spreading love♥ one post at a time!!!
I recently watched The Beautiful Truth, it is really excellent, from the perspective of a home's cooled boy who travels around interviewing people like Charlotte Gerson to get to the truth of his question.
I don't think the trailer does it justice. Instead I like this clip:
You can watch the whole movie on youtube:
medical treatments are the second leading cause of death in the usa. my mom did 4 rounds of chemo after 6 weeks of treatment at the hit center in tiahuana mexico, and she was all messed up in her head afterwards. she had non hodgkins lymphoma at the time. she now has had clear cat scans for the past couple of years, but she told me if she had to do it over she would never ever do it again. the doctors made her feel as if there is no other option, and that she had to do it. they use fear tactics to sell there treatments that kill you slowly.