Im having a hard time understanding how exactly one loses wait by eating for carb loaded cooked fruit. I want to understand please someone explain it to me.
I guess Im just accustomed to potatoes, spaghetti and rice being "fattening foods"
When it comes to health and vitality, raw is superior, provided you can consume appropriate calories. A cooked high carb plan, still with plenty of fruit, is next best. Here's how to have your best success:
Daily Recipe for Long Term Success
Raw Till 4 Plan:
The 'Raw Till 4' diet 7 day food and exercise planner
RT4 Instructions By Freelee TheBananaGirl
Raw Till 4 forum guidelines
Which Cooked Starches are the Healthiest?
Nice through response, Windlord. You think differently than me. I like everything peer reviewed and scienfic. I have to know exactly why for each fact, lol. Anyways here's why you need to sunbath:
"Low vitamin D levels are associated with increased overall and cardiovascular mortality, cancer incidence and mortality, and autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis." 10.3122/jabfm.2009.06.090037 J Am Board Fam Med November-December 2009 vol. 22 no. 6 698-706
cooked food***
My spelling... sorry everyone.
and thank you !! Is it working for you? are you losing weight?
I'll give it my best shot. If you watch Dr. Neal Barnard's videos and Forks over Knives(FoK) there is plenty of reasons why it works. I also threw in a scholarly peer reviewed source that state the health benefits of fiber. Thanks in advance for reading and asking questions. I love it when people ask how to better take care of their Temple.
I. Low fat
II. Fiber
III. Hunger
A. Stretch receptors
B. Caloric density receptors
C. Binge eating
IV. Sources
V. Peer reviewed journal
I. Low Fat
There is 4 calories per gram in carbohydrates as opposed to fat which is 9 calories per gram. Potatoes and grains are low fat.
II. Fiber helps fill you up w/o adding calories. Eat lots of fiber to lose/maintain weight.
III. Hunger
A. Stretch receptors as in FoK measure volume. When your stomach is full your hunger turns off. In other-words your hungry until your full. If you look at melons which are high water with a fair amount of fiber, you will fill up your stomach quickly. As opposed to meat/dairy/vegetable oils which are very dense. You would need a lot of vegetable oil to fill up your stomach, thus turning off your hunger response.
B. Caloric density receptors measure the caloric density. Calories divided by mass. Dehydrated food has a much higher density than water filled food. Our bodies tell us through cravings that high caloric density is what will keep us alive in the wild. While great for short term survival, we need low density food for longer term survival.
C. Binge eating
When we eat food that is both low in volume and high in caloric density we will create the strongest cravings. Our stretch or volume receptors will tell us we are still hungry. Meanwhile, our caloric density receptors will tell us more, we want more! This is why meat and dairy taste so good and its easy to overeat or binge on these foods. The opposite is whole plants foods which are high in volume and low in caloric density. Rice, potatoes, and spaghetti meet that criteria.
IV. Sources
V. Peer reviewed journal
Here's some more peer reviewed journals stating the inverse relation between dietary fiber intake and obesity. Feel free to ask any questions if you don't understand or desire more information.
ok, thank you! Is it working for you ? Are you losing weight?
So.. in the morning I continue to eat the regular things i eat (LOTS OF FRUIT) and same goes for lunch. Now for dinner... What do I do? What are some things you make? Recipes? Can I put seasoning on the food?
I'm not gaining any weight so I'm satisfied. As for dinner, I like corn a lot. Rice and beans is one of my favorite dishes. Red peppers are nice. Potatoes and sweet potatoes. Salads, I'm surprised how good romaine hearts are to eat alone.
Make sure the food is tasty that way you don't feel deprived. When people fall off the bandwagon, its because they try too hard and then binge. For example trying low calorie raw vegan then end up binge eating on ten Mcdonald's Burgers. I'd rather see somebody treat their-selves to vegan french fries then binge and eat non-vegan. I really like the waffle fries at Chick-fila as a treat they are fried in either canola or peanut oil.
weight** oh man, can you tell im sleepy :/ lol