I think I combined the wrong foods together last night. But I'm not sure, so I'm asking for some verification. I made a sauce out of nuts and had it with pasta, today felt bloated all day and I normally poo first thing in the morning, in fact I've been clogged up all day. Was the nut sauce and past a bad food combo?
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I would firstly examine the individual foods before coming to other conclusions. Some people find nuts in particularly hard to digest. Raw zucchini isn't tolerated well by some people either. The best way to find out is to eat the one individual food on an empty stomach and see what the consequences are.
I didn't eat zucchini. I ate cooked pasta with the nut sauce. I ate the same nut sauce with cauliflower and I was fine. In fact my body was "clogging" until I ate the pasta and nut sauce.
It was cooked pasta. I'm still in transition.