Potassium excess?


So one of my friends who is in med school (I know that does not mean she is a health expert or that this "condition" is caused by HCRV) sent me a link to a medical reference on 'Hyperkalemia" essentially too much potassium in your blood which your body cannot process, as she was concerned with my new "diet" eating all 80/10/10 and at least 15 bananas a day.



Has anyone heard of this "issue" within the frugitarian community?

Has anyone who has been HCRV for a longer period of time ever had any blood work done (ie "un safe" potassium levels present)?

(I am researching this some more but I wanted to get the discussion going while I do so. My goal is to find some info to present that this condition cannot occur from simply eating bananas)

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  • lol thanks for that link man! I knew there was something like that out there and by no means was I going to stop eating my beloved bananas, I wasn't overly concerned from all of the dead monkeys haha. That perfectly summarizes the science behind an orally ingested banana potassium overdose!

    I just found this study on the link between Vitamin K (bananas are loaded with it) and the reduced risk of prostate cancer in men...


  • FYI, I posted this as I am drinking a 15banana smoothie haha.

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