Ive grown up on rice my whole life, I found black/forbidden/emporeres rice last year and thought it was great. It is way harder than white rice though I was thinking maybe I could set it out in a pot of water to soften it up and eat it after. I was not sure how I would go about it. It has a high nutritional content and as many antioxidants as blueberries. I was wondering if anyone on here loves rice like me, or who has tried black rice and know what I mean about the toughness and how to eat it as a part of a raw vegan diet. Thanks for the info!
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good to know! I almost did set it out in water earlier today good thing I checked!
Don't eat raw rice. It has anti-nutrients that need to be removed by fermentation or cooking.
Ok I dont have enought fruits in the house for a week I do have rice and potatoes and so I thought I would ask. Preciate it!
If you want to try and make rice raw, just skip it and eat the fruit. If you want to eat rice, steam it up properly.