Raw Noob, need suggestions and information!

I have recently dived into the swirling vortex of raw food living.

I have already felt some changes in my energetic makeup, Please help answer some of my questions for it will be of great use to me!

1. Beans: Can I still eat these raw? For example, soybeans, pinto, or black. But, instead of cook simply soak them and then eat?

2. Quinoa: Same with beans, I soak them then eat.

2. Corn Tortillas Chips: many raw food enthusiast use these in their recipes. I understand these are dehydrated or of that nature. Is this raw food valuable? I do enjoy the taste.

3. Corn tortillas raw: now these I have and have eaten without cooking. But, I am not sure if they are processed or what not. 

4. Potatoes: Well you have to cook these, but how harmful is it if I have it once and awhile? I'm assuming this one I have to drop, but the calories it provides always feel good. 

[Also I would like to know if it would harm me to slightly cook anyone of these items above.]

4. 30 Bananas a day?!: I can eat maybe 8 a day! They are rather cheap.  I really really like bananas but, after 9 or so I feel as though my body doesn't care to eat anymore than that.

5: Do you guys eat hot peppers or onions? I feel like these foods upset my stomach, but they are definitely raw! I really enjoy guacamole but most of that stuff is made with jalapenos and onions (and I realize maybe other unnecessary things but, usually it is sound raw food). 

Thank you for providing me with any assistance on this subject. Outline the details of your experience of why you think the way you do, as well, and it will allow me to make a better discernment.

Right now, I just eat and sense my body. HOWEVER,  I must be going through some sort of detox process because no matter if I just drink water and eat fruit, my stomach slightly burns a bit. Just slightly. If I ate a pizza right now I'd be in visceral pain no doubt. So I want to know your perspectives. Thank you!

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  • First off, don't get too cought up on only eating raw, cooking does not make food unhealthy, it's the way it's cooked (barbeque=carcinogens, frying= lots of unhealthy fat), the things added (like addictive flavore enhancing chemicals, too much fat and salt) or what is removed( like he fiber and nutrients removed from white bread or juice). The reason raw is so good is it eliminates so Mach unhealthy junk. Eating whole plant foods is good for you even if some of it is cooked. Yes raw is ideal, but a high fat raw concoction with a lot of additives is not as healthy a bowl of boiled potatoes.
    1. I don't find raw beans appetizing at all. If you like them, eat them, if not, don't
    2. Same as above
    3.if you mean some time of raw concoction, it may not be as healthy as you think. Check out the ingreDients, personally I'd skip that
    4. Potatoes, sweat potatoes ect... Are healthy, eat them if you want them
    5.this goes back to the not all things raw are healthy. I'm not sure if these are really unhealthy, I think it is more of a personal preference. Personally I find the feeling of my mouth burning painful and unpleasant and the smell of garlic or union repulsive. I don't eat any of them. Also yogis call these types of food Rajas and they are productive of pain, greif and disease. Eliminate them for a month, than reassess if you want them or not,

    I eat mostly raw fruits and veggies. Right now lots of grapes oranges apples and bananas, it depends on the season. I eat a lot of lettuce and spinach and celery. I often have steamed veggies like broccoli. I also eat some dried fruit like rasins. I have been eating more nuts right now, but sometimes I will have no desire for nuts at all for periods of time. I go through periods where I eat more cooked like potatoes, but lately I haven't wanted to. I think having grains such as rice is ok, but I never want to eat them. The Only cooked food I ever want is starch roots.
  • Welcome to 30BaD Jaron!  A great place to start reading about others' tried and true methods of eating high carb raw vegan is here > Aloha to 30BaD's Welcome Wagon! which includes links to frequently asked questions and frequently added discussions. 

    If you want to try out 100% raw, a month is a pretty good first trial.  Banana island may be a path for you.  

    If you want onion taste, the red onions or even more mild scallions are a good choice depending on the sensitivity your digestive system.  Peppers, the milder the better, some do not tolerate them well.

    Potatoes are about the easiest cooked food to digest, so an excellent choice for most people as a back up food if you need those calories and are short on time or just ran out of raw food or money.  Dates are an excellent back up raw food.

    All the best! :)

  • Beans definitely shouldn't be eaten raw.  Quinoa probably shouldn't be eaten raw, it certainly would be better cooked.  Corn tortillas are fried and not very healthy with the amount of oil and salt they contain.  Those that are labeled as raw probably aren't actually raw and are only nominally better than regular corn chips.  Potatoes are fine but yes, they do need to be cooked.  Eat as many bananas as you like, or none at all.  Try different seasonal fruits and see which ones you like.  With summer coming soon you'll definitely have many berries, grapes, melons, peaches, etc to choose from.  Many here would disagree but I think spicy food is fine.  In my opinion many whole cooked foods are fine.  Maybe not as good as raw, but they are not harmful like many raw foodist claim.  Cooked whole veggies, beans, rice, oatmeal, pasta, corn, or whatever else you like are fine as staples.  It's more important imo that you eat fresh salads and some fruits on a daily basis than eating just one fruit like bananas.  Be conscious of staying hydrated, but not drinking too much with meals or other food combining issues.  Just experiment around and see what works for you.   

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