Thankyou so much for all these great offerings!!
THis is a list of potential programs/teachers from Overseas and Australia.
18th Jan -I was also just in contact with my friend Clint - the property owner and he agrees that it should be by donation !!Potential TeachersAnne is a qualified massage therapist and reflexologist & a class on how to forage for fruits &greens
Pepperchinni- Reiki Practitioner, iridologist and nutritionist
Jess has offered her services to talk about disordered eating & how to overcome it
Rawgreengoddess im sure will visit & treat us to some healing massages inreturn for durian ;-P
Jason/TreeofLife - Has been wanting to open a retreat but is lacking funding & has offered his services anyway he can
Peggy - drumming & singing class-sound healing
Jules would love to WWOOF there and WWOOFing may provide some support for us
Bryan - Yoga teacher
Fiona(fruitilicious) - Yoga teacher
Marte - Aerial acrobatics, juggling, stilts and lots of fun circus stuff
Curtis - Wildfood foraging and gardening.
Emily - Rawfood nutrition and food prep
Travis - Abseiling (if terrain permits!), food prep, cleaning, general help
Ashley - Rockclimbing (if terrain permits)
Creig - Energy balancing workshop & open Mic sess!
Brock - Motivational speaker & coaching classes
Sandra - Professor - Natural hygiene/811 Nutritional education
Meleakua-Sprouting, gardening & spa sessions
Durianrider - The Raw Truth
Fruiteus Maximus-Permaculture & Natural Hygiene classes
AJ -Natural Hygiene, The Hygienic Diet, the biological sciences, clinical nutrition, and public health
Helena-Thai & Holistic massage & possibly massage us with fruit!!
Beckyji - Childrens space, activites, natural birthing & more!
LIZZ - Lowfat food prep classes.
Janne- Dance/aerobics classes
Freelea- Conscious Dreaming/fitness/yoga/lowfat recipes + nutrtion classes
Berry-licious -food prep, artistry,cleaning,childrens activities,drawing for relaxation
Great Class Ideas....Suvine - a dream creation class
Rubbi - rebirthing through breathing
Saz - An art therapy class
Holi - Yoga - Maybe suspension Yoga
Lindsey - Massage therapist (specializing in lymphatic drainage and reflexology)
Victoire - Angel healing workshop (possible individual consults too)
Advertising & computer assistance for the retreat....Ryan - Graphic design, logos, pamphlets, web computer services..
Storietime - Logo, illustrations..Cindy - Advertising
Cat - Advertising & design work
Rawbies providing their unique talents..PattyAnn - Pamphlet passer & expert envelope licker!
Julie B - Will offer her labour for fruit!
ashly-Will lend an ear and who unique skills
Taylor- Willing helper with some permaculture experience
Hopefully i didn't leave anyone out or put anyone in the wrong category!!.....
Please add your thoughts & ideas & we can make this real!!
Conscious life creation I believe is the key to an individuals success....& as a collective is even more powerful....
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You have something awesome going on here. We will start saving up for plane tickets so long and if we can make it by the time next summer we will definitely do so.
Good luck!
Jules xx
lady > Julie GroenewaldSeptember 7, 2009 at 2:18am
Pictures 1-9 on my profile were taken at the retreat. Enjoy :)
free, this sounds incredible. i'm really motivated on continuing my job hunt journey, even moreso now, because i would looooove to be a part of this. i think we should have diy bicycle repair & the related!
Hi Freelea, I just joined 30BaD and would like to offer my services for your retreat. I am a practitioner of traditional Ashtanga Yoga...I'm in Goa, India right now studying with some of the best teachers in the world, working at a retreat as a vegan chef. I have completed Tim Miller's teacher training in 2007. So, just a thought if you're interested....I can provide more info if you like, Cheers, L
Hey Berry! Apologies for delay the thread got lost in the 30BaD Web!
Yes musical instruments is a fantastic idea! I can't actually play anything but im up for learning!
It would be brilliant to have your services at the Retreat Berry, i will put you down - its going to be an amazing time :-) Some great skills you have there Berry-licious - food prep, artistry,cleaning,childrens activities,drawing for relaxation
You have something awesome going on here. We will start saving up for plane tickets so long and if we can make it by the time next summer we will definitely do so.
Good luck!
Jules xx
Where, when. Tell me!!
I'm a designer and work in advertising and would love to help out with that side of things.
Yes musical instruments is a fantastic idea! I can't actually play anything but im up for learning!
It would be brilliant to have your services at the Retreat Berry, i will put you down - its going to be an amazing time :-) Some great skills you have there
Berry-licious - food prep, artistry,cleaning,childrens activities,drawing for relaxation
Cat - Advertising & design work