....should I rinse them, like I would with other non organic produce ? I have never done this before, but all of a sudden it hit me that there must be pesticide residue on dates like any other fruit. what is your take on this...do you rinse your dates if bought non organic ?
and if so, what about raisins ?
What kind of dates are we talking about?
oh yes rinse not only for the pesticides but also to hands that have touched them, I wash everything including organic! there was a study done recently and cross contamination was a big issue especially in supermarkets!!they found human feces on lots of fruit and veg along with bacteria from meat!! campylobacter being the main from chicken
You don't simply wash pesticides off of fruit it gets inside them.. i've even read it reaches through the skin of oranges.
Well crap.
I was going to start buying Medjools from Wal-Mart/Sam's because I can't afford Shields (not organic but they don't use pesticides) anymore. I have no idea where to get dates now!! Argh! :(
ditto! now i'm torn! i've been buying dates from a local arabic grocer $3.50 for 650g (roughly 13 pounds) ... the only thing I really cared for when buying dates was to ensure they weren't glucose coated... but now Í don't know what to do... this is going to sound really silly but I eat my dates with organic celery... would that in any way hinder the amount of toxins I consume, make it worse or just be the same as not eating it with the celery?
wow, can you get medjools for 3,5 ?? lucky girl !
unfortunatley nope =( medjools here (non organic) are typically $16 a kilo... i can also get bharji (i dont know about the spelling) for $8 a kilo which isn't bad either... the dates i've been getting are sweeter than medjools and softer.. i don't know what variety they are though =/ do you know of any ethnic grocers near you? you might be surprised what you can find!
I read in the book "the live food factor" that dates are one of the fruit that has the most pesticide on. Better go organic for dates and if you buy non-organic only buy fruits that you can peel of.
do you know how to ensure that you've washed your produce sufficiently ? I never know how thoroughly to do it...would wiping dates be enough ?
I don't rinse my non-organic dates, but if you choose to, I have a word of advice. Rinse them immediately before eating...do not rinse in advance. Dates go all sorts of weird if you rinse them and then try to store them. This happened to me when I dropped about 50 dates (probably more) on the floor, rinsed them, and then put them in a colander in the fridge. They got mushy and strange, and I had to compost them. :(