My niece is 13. She's been having some pain in her knees and we think it has to do with her being dehydrated so my sister told her to drink lots of water throughout the day, but, she has problems doing this because it makes her have use the bathroom several times during the day while at school. Problem is they only have 3min. between classes, which is not enough time to use the bathroom and get to class on time, and some of her teachers only allow 3 class-time bathroom breaks per semester. So basically she has to go during lunchtime or I guess hope that some teachers won't punish her for having to leave class.
Can you believe this?! I'd say it's an outrage personally.
Anyone have any idea's how my sister should handle the situation?
I'm thinking she should call the school and tell them this ridiculous. And that if she needs to she should convince the school to allow her daughter to use the bathroom as needed, like get her a note or something. But I'm sure they won't be too helpful without a doctors note or something.
I've heard that people should be peeing like 10 times a day and that we shouldn't "hold it," but I can't find any proof of this... does anyone know were I can find this?
Knee pain was my first symptom that later on turned out to be Lyme Disease.
Go holistik and plant based. kleanse your body and soul from within and with natural things. their drugs and pills are poizon
The better question, is why do most parents still put their kids in that farce, hoax, JOKE school system if they know all they teach is LIES and bad stuff? wake up! it's your kids lol. If more parents did this, then more and more would follow and the hoax system would weaken more and eventually disapear. fear and kontroll is how they stay in business
I would have loved not having to go through the system and all including not eating the cafeteria food, unfortunately my parents did not have the financial means to support a private education for me. Neither did the unfortunately have the education themselves to be able to homeschool me. It would be amazing if more parents did have the ability to homeschool their children and have the financial ability to have one parent stay at home. I'm not saying it's impossible or undoable. They would just have to get their financial life in check and make sure to cut costs in the unnecessary expenses that so many people unfortunately make. I definitely would want my children to be homeschooled, I wouldn't want them going through what I did. However the social aspect I would have to figure out a way for them to connect with their peers in person too.
Alcohol, television and drugs are the best blinders unfortunately 🤦
So many people following trends following what everyone is doing instead of having the courage to do things better and differently 🤷
A couple of good videos of parents who homeschooled- the first couple both working full time.
you are still part of their system and kurriculum and rulez tho in "homeschooling" . the real teaching is human and moral values which parents can do on their own! not indoctrination lies and mind kontroll which homeschooling still does
Your right, I agree with you. They call american the land of the free then we should be free to educate our children as we see fit. Thank you I really appreciate your input
Baby steps..#1 is to get them out of the school, out of masks and danger of secret injections they are doing without parents knowledge. As parents gain confidence and see with thier own eyes how kids learn, they will see better and better ways to homeschooling. As the second video say there are many ways of homeschooling. I cringe when I hear people tell me they are using the school curriculum at home- yikes! But better than on line "learning" all day they do even when in school, and the other dangerous stuff.
you are slowly getting it! but 'homeschooling' is still part of the hoax! gota brake free! True Knowledge is FREE! good parents will realize this and teach their kids truth and honesty and peace and kindness not the BS the skUULz teach! they work for the kobra skeleton Kabal! for real. hence the mask demon indoktrination and needles. it's all about Mind kontroll. Government means Mind KontroLL in Latin