Hi folks,
Well, autumn is drawing closer here in northern Europe and I'm looking for options to get some healthy rays when autumn arrives.
I think I read in the past about PK looking into sunlamps/bulbs usually used for reptiles and I was wondering if anyone has any information? PK?
I'd like to know whether to go for UVA, UVB or full-spectrum, and any specific products that work best...
Would be really grateful for any advice!
Thanks fruities, DJ
The vitamin D lamps are more expensive than the kind you use for suntanning. If money isn't an issue for you then go for it, otherwise try getting injections from your dr during the winter time due to high altitude, in summertime you should be alright as long as you get some sun exposure everyday.
I wouldn't recommend any other lamp being used than this sperti model due to above quote
Here's the research analysis (I havn't read it)
UV-B creates the vitamin D but they found that this could not account for all the cardiovascular benefits from sunlight. UV-A causes the body to create more nitric acid and this relaxes and expands the blood vessels that can help lower high blood pressure. Also sunlight creates a hormone that makes people happy. All primates except humans live in the tropics or subtropics.
Thanks so much, everyone!
I think I'm going to try vitamin D3 supplementation for now and see how that goes...
Love, DJ
@ Mitch, thanks for sharing this resource. Peace, PK
Thanks for sharing your personal experiences with us Tasha. I have research and theory, but not necessarily the personal experience to go along with it.
Peace, PK
Thanks so much for all your responses, folks! Really great info!
I have been wondering the same thing! I'm from Denmark, and I suffer from pretty bad Raynauds syndrom, which pretty much keeps me inside for the cold months to avoid chock. I'm a member of a fitness center that offers this "Beauty Angel" light - I think it stimulates the vitamin D production in the body... NOT SURE! But if you're a member of a fitness center it might be an option as you're already there.
My friend told me you can actually buy those light bulps for any regular lamp in a health-store :) Especially here in the North, they're a little expensive but deff. cheaper than the lamps, just make sure it's the right strength :)
Word of caution! These lamps meddle with your melatonine (spelled?) production! So you MUST only use it in the day-hours, mornings are best I think, otherwise you could get insomnia
You could take a supplement. Vitashine have a good reputation. And like PK says your vitD stores should persist for a few months assuming you got outside regularly enough in summer.
Lamps - ideally you want a UVB-narrowband bulb. Not UVB-broadband and definitely not a tanning lamp. Tanning beds are typically UVA dominant and won't generate useful amounts of UVB before your skin starts to tan. UVB light will burn the skin before you can tan, so as a rule tanning salons avoid using significant UVB. Using tanning beds to the extent that you receive a tan is strongly correlated with skin cancer (carcinoma at least) and causes premature skin aging. Also, actually getting a tan is counterproductive because it decreases the efficiency with which your skin converts vitD precursor.
If you go for light therapy then rotate between areas that are normally covered like the buttocks, lower back, upper thighs, only expose yourself for a few minutes each day, and never go beyond the minimum erythemal dose.
http://www.solarcsystems.com/lamps-for-vitamin-d.html has some good info and links.
Hey DJ,
I hearead you call my name and thanks for asking:-D
Here is my two cents on the V-D and lamp issue. I will try to start with basics since I am not sure what you might know or not know.
Even though our ability to utilize the sun's rays will diminish in winter, I still recommend getting outside in daylight as much as possible for mental health, to avoid depression, and eye and retina health, and or oxygenation.
There is also controversy regarding certain lattitudes and our abilities to produce vitamin D. I know it is commonly assumed that above a certain line, nobody is able to synthesise VD. However, there are cultures such as Eskimo and Innuit who do not necessarily have low vitamin D levels. They may get some from their diet, some in the long summer days, but there may also be radiation in the atmosphere that will hit our skin and or from aurora borealis. Guess another hypothesis as to why it is important for human beings to try to spend as much time as possible outside.
Fat Soluble in diet and body
Some people may also be able to store their vitamin D for three-six months so I recommend get as much sun exposure as you can nowadays. Keep body in the 10-19% range and dietary fat consumption at 10%+ for better assimilation and storage of Vitamin D.
Vitamin D Misc Info:
you might find more research for your questions here at pubmed:
UV-B lamps
Edit here, safe meaning if one is on a budget and or does not have time for research and experiments...
To be safe, I would lean more towards uv-b lamps like those found in tanning beds and or tanning lights as these might be more likely to stimulate vitamin d production.
You can also do wikipedia and google research regarding SAD (seasonal depression disorder) and lamps used to treat that. Some lamps are light only to increase mood, and some are with UV or UV b rays which promote good mood and vitamin D production.
You can then search a sight like amazon.com for different choices and products, and plain light bulbs such as this product:
I have to logoff so I cannot give a list of recommended products, but may check back in later.
I will also feature this discussion in hopes others will add their two cents.
Peace, PK