some of you have already noticed bitesizevegan's excellent work which appear in the form of short 'nugget' videos on animal rights and vegan issues. so that we have all of them easily accessible from one place, they will be listed here at the end of this post. they are organized in the following sections:
miscellaneous (ie still to be categorized)
eating vegan
vegan pet food information
animal research/vivisection/testing
ooby and other fun stuff
you should also know that she has more than one website through which she displays her many talents and dedication. here's one to especially bookmark though:
("fun, friendly information in under 5 minutes)
and a bit about her from that site:
i’m a vegan artist, writer, activist, vegan educator, animal-lover, book-worm, fruit-ninja, and more. i’m passionate about the rights of non-human animals.
i began the Bite Size Vegan project with the desire to make a difference for the animals. i want to help people understand veganism- that it’s not an exclusive club or elitist social movement (though some of its members act otherwise), but rather a logical, compassionate, rational approach to life, especially in regards to the lives of others.
there is a LOT of information and misinformation on veganism out there. Bite Size Vegan is here to help with short, digestible “nuggets” of info, kept brief for your modern attention span.
my hope is to help people really look at our reasoning behind what we do to animals; to examine our justifications more deeply than “that’s the way it’s always been.”
this is someone we can all support in the work against oppression!
in friendship,
Edit: 2017-12-09
Unfortunately, a couple years ago all of Emily's excellent videos were removed from 30bad. We haven't been able to figure out how or why (ednshell tried contacting ning about it, but they didn't seem to have an answer). As a result, none of the links below work. I was planning on updating the links here to go directly to her website, but haven't done so yet (sorry Emily).
I strongly encourage you to go to Emily's website:
and you will find some of the best presentations on vegan issues that I have ever seen!
This Speech Will Change How You See Everything
The Change Everything Speech: Q&A Session
miscellaneous (ie still to be categorized)
Expectation Vs Reality: Smithfield Pork
EMPTY OCEANS: Is The World Running Out Of Fish?
A 60 Second Challenge to Share With Meat-Eaters
Medical Doctor Reacts to YouTube Fitness Nutrition ‘Experts'
Why Vegans FLIP OUT!
Major YouTube Channel “WatchMojo” Debunks The Vegan Diet
Why You're Offensive & Don't Know It
Can Vegans Eat Eggs From Backyard Chickens? VEGGANS?!
Why Your Doctor Is Lying To You | Dr. Michael Greger
Holocaust Survivors Speak: Lessons From The Death Camps
12 Year Old Takes On The Government for Animals!
My Parents Won't Let Me Go Vegan! [Advice from REAL VEGAN KIDS!]
300 lb VEGAN NFL Football Player?! | David Carter Interview
Was Leonardo da Vinci Vegan? | The History of Veganism Spotlight
3 Year Old Refuses to Eat Animals & Changes Her Family Forever
10 Years In Prison For Compassion? | Anita Krajnc Trial
36 Hours Without Water | Draw My Life
Vegan On A Budget: My Top 10 Tips!
Legal Discrimination Against Pet Owners?
My Vegan Muscle Photo Shoot & Transformation!
How NOT To DIE: Foods That Add Years | Dr. Michael Greger
One 12 Year Old Boy Versus SeaWorld & Circuses
Do You Speak Vegan? Translation Help Needed!
Vegan in Venezuela On $30 A Month!
If You've Ever Lost A Pet You HAVE To Watch This!
Kidnapped At Birth | Draw My Life
12 Year Old Cures Dad’s Diabetes & Fights Childhood Obesity
5 Months To Live | Draw My Life
Are Zoos Educational?
These KID HEROES Will Amaze You!!!
15 Easy Egg Substitutes | Vegan Quick Tip
Are You In The Vegan Club? ft The Vegan Bouncer & Smug
Grow Your Own Organics & Reclaim Your Food!
Are Tampons Vegan? Are They SAFE?
He Doesn't Track PROTEIN?! | Vegan Pro Bodybuilder Torre Washington
11 Clever Vegan Halloween Costume Ideas For Last Minute DIY
Vegan Guide to Trick Or Treating & Halloween Candy
BEE BARF?! All About HONEY [A Video for Kids!]
Vegan Food For The Homeless | Brown Paper Bag Movement
Coming Out Vegan, Hateful Comments & Fake Fur | Q&A
Is Smoking Vegan?
How To Find Strength For Activism | My Top 5 Tips
Can One Person Make A Difference? | Anita's Story
Open Your Eyes [MUST WATCH!!!]
Is Palm Oil Vegan?
What VEGAN KIDS Eat!!! (With REAL Vegan Kids!) [A Video for Kids]
How KIDS Can Save the World!!! [A Video for Kids!]
Eat & Train Like Vegan Gains | Interview
How To Talk To Non-Vegans Without Being An A-Hole
The Great Egg Conspiracy: Lies, Corruption & Kevin Bacon
Deadly Nutrition: The REAL Dietary Killers | Dr. Michael Greger
Real VEGAN KIDS Talk About Being Vegan! [A Video For Kids!]
American Ninja Warrior How-To With True Warrior Tim Shieff
From Cancer Scare to Vegan Fitness Model At 40+!
Ultimate Vegan Muscle Gainer Shake | Bodybuilder Derek Tresize
In Defense of Cecil the Lion's Killer
3 HomeMade Vegan Ice Cream Recipes for Omnivores!!
Body Image & The Darker Side of Bodybuilding | Bikini Pro Samantha Shorkey
Why Eggs Are GROSS!!! [A Video For Kids!]
The Importance of Bearing Witness | Toronto Pig Save Interview [NOT Graphic]
Everything Wrong With Environmentalism In 11 Minutes Or Less!!
Guide to Killer Vegan Abs: Take the 30 Day Challenge | Meat Free Athlete
5 Reasons We Don't Eat Meat! [A Video For Kids!]
How to Eat Vegan for Endurance | No Meat Athlete
A Vegan Celebrity Who's *Actually* Vegan | Interview With Comedian Myq Kaplan
Parkour Free Running World Champion Tim Shieff On Going Pro & Vegan
Why the YULIN Dog Meat Festival ISN'T A BIG DEAL
Vegans In The Middle Ages | The History of Veganism Part Two
What A Vegan Ultra Athlete & Registered Dietitian Eats In A Day | Matt Ruscigno
How to Be Vegan in the Military | Sgt. Alex Contreras
Vegan Gains Worst of the Fitness Industry Interview
KIDS! Just Say No to MILK [A Video for Kids]
From MeatHead to Meat-Free Vegan Bodybuilder | Derek Tresize Conversion
My Vegan Tattoo Experience!
The Freelee & Gary Yourofsky Controversy: Death to Non Vegans & Human Hating?
The Makings of A Vegan Bikini Pro Competitor | Samantha Shorkey
How Many Animals Are Killed Every Year & How Little We Care
Do Vegans Need Carnitine?
Eating Vegan for Athletic Performance | Meat Free Athlete
Iodine & Thyroid Health for Vegans | Dr Michael Greger of
Is Silk Vegan? Cruel?
Zinc Deficiency & Male Emissions | Dr Michael Greger of
How NOT To Make Someone Vegan
Are You Vegan Enough? ft The Vegan Police
Vegans In Ancient Times
Are Tattoos Vegan? | Guide to a Vegan Tattoo
What Vegans See | A Video For Non Vegans [NOT Graphic]
How to Stay Hopeful in A Non-Vegan World ft. Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
Free Vegan eBook Now Available in Spanish!
Is Alcohol Vegan?
B12 On A Vegan Diet | Dr Michael Greger of
How to Navigate Social Situations as a Vegan
Q&A About My Vegan Dog
How to Work Out at Work
Do Fish Feel Pain?
Is A Vegan Diet Vitamin D Deficient? | Dr Michael Greger of
Is Hunting Better Than Factory Farming?
Getting Iron On A Vegan Diet | Dr Michael Greger of
Do Animals Grieve?
How to Get Caclium On A Vegan Diet | Dr Michael Greger of
Vegan Winter Food Haul On My Bike! + Why I Don't Talk About What I Eat
I'm NOT Freelee the Banana Girl! [And That's Okay!]
How to Get Omega 3 On A Vegan Diet | Dr Michael Greger of
Carriage Horse Controversy: Tradition or Cruelty?
Where Do You Get Your Protein? with Dr. Michael Greger of
What I Do With Roadkill...
Being Vegan In A Non-Vegan Family (ft. Colleen Patrick-Goudreau)
Is Medication Vegan?
My Experience Being Branded With A Cattle Iron
He Didn't Speak for ONE YEAR! | Interview With James Aspey Voiceless365
"I Will Not Stand By" POWERFUL Slam Poetry! | Gary Yourofsky
I Will Not Stand By- POWERFUL Slam Poetry! [Non-Graphic Version] | Gary Yourofsky
What I Eat In A Day While Traveling | My (Raw) Vegan Move
Is Cheese Addictive?
Speciesism: The Original Discrimination | ft. Gary Yourofsky
Brian May of Queen Promotes Vegan Message in TV Ad!
Vegan Gas Station Food Challenge! | Staying Vegan On the Go
Are Humans Better Than Animals? | Gary Yourofksy
Veganism Is Metal As !@#$! | Vegan Black Metal Chef Interview
Using VIOLENCE for Animal Liberation | Gary Yourofsky Explains Famous Quote
Is Sugar Vegan?
Veganism & Religion | Gary Yourofsky
Cheeseburger Addict to Vegan | Tino the Bananiac's Transformation
Interview with Colleen Patrick-Goudreau & eBook Giveaway of The 30 Day Vegan Challenge
What is the Best Argument Against Veganism? | Gary Yourofsky
Is Birth Control Vegan? The Rundown + Vegan Options
Are Some Cultures More Resistant to Veganism? | Gary Yourofsky
DO NOT Go Vegan for the New Year
How to Be the Next Gary Yourofsky
Is There Hope for A Vegan World? | Gary Yourofsky
Is Going Vegan for Health Enough to Keep You Vegan? | Gary Yourofsky Interview
Is Deer Hunting Necessary for Population Control?
Can Doctors Be Trusted for Nutritional Guidance? | Gary Yourofsky
Double Your Money, Double Your Impact: Create New vegans!
Should Vegans HATE Non-Vegans?
What Kind of Vegan is Gary Yourofsky? + His Favorite Fruits!
Horse Racing Exposed: Abuse, Drugs & Death
Are Bivalves Vegan? | Gary Yourofsky & The Vegan Black Metal Chef
Do Vegans Kill More Animals Than Meat-Eaters?
Is It Possible to Be 100% Vegan?
Vegan Vs Paleo ft. Gary Yourofsky
Horse Riding Cruelty: Effects of the Bit
The Hard Truth: Powerful Vegan Conversion Story | Gary Yourofsky
Vegan Festival Tour: Food, Fun, Outreach | VegFest Orlando
Dealing With Non-Vegan Family and Friends | Gary Yourofsky
The Question of Vegans and Killing Bugs | Gary Yourosfky Interview
Join the Nugget Army: A Worthy Cause for Animal Rights
Vegan vs. Vegetarian: More Differences Than Similarities? ft Gary Yourofsky
FREE eBook: Vegan Answers to Common Questions and Objections
Is Soy Feminizing? Gary Yourofsky Weighs In
Gary Yourofsky: Banned International Terrorist
Want A Bigger Bite? + Meet Me At VegFest! + Work With Me
BREAKING NEWS In Animal Rights! FBI Re-Defines Cruelty
Gary Yourofsky Interview: How To Take Effective Action And Not Lose Hope
Is Owning Pets Vegan? Is it Cruel?
Cow Escapes Slaughterhouse & The Importance of Farm Sanctuaries
Was Hitler A Vegetarian?
Are Humans Meant to Eat Meat? Humans Vs. Carnivores
Want To Interview Gary Yourofsky? Here’s How!
Is Eating Animals A Personal Choice?
Vegan Activist Wins Big Brother! | Tal Gilboa
Is Wool Vegan? Is It Humane?
The "Cult" of Veganism Myth
Why Vegan Sex Is Better!
The Veganizer: Punching Faces and Traumatizing Children...for the Animals!
What If The Whole World Went Vegan Tomorrow?
What Exactly Is In Your Food?
The Vitamin B12 Controversy: Deficiency, RDA, Supplementation & More!
My Vegan Tattoos & Their Meaning
Veganism's Impact on World Hunger & National Debt
Heroism or Terrorism? | Criminalizing Animal Activism
SH*T People Say to Vegans
My Vegan Beauty Routine With Products (And Ooby the Vegan Bulldog's Beauty Secrets!)
The Morality Behind Veganism
How to Make Your Own Vegan Chapstick or Lip Balm: Fast, Easy, & Cruelty-Free
The BEST Speech You Will Ever Hear- With Bite Size Vegan Intro (Gary Yourofsky)
My Vegan Olympic Weightlifting Routine! (causevegans can lift with the best of them!)
Going Vegan for Health: The Basics
My Raw Vegan Omega 3 Fatty Acids Blood Test Results!
How to Get Thin, Fit, and Toned in Four Easy Steps!
But Vegans Kill Plants!
Why You CANNOT Be a Non-Vegan Environmentalist :)
Ever Get Told Your Vegan Diet is "Extreme"?
Where I Get My Protein on a Raw Vegan Diet!
Muscle & Strength Retention on a Raw Vegan Diet
Thoughts on Honey? Is It Vegan? Healthy? Humane?
The Bull of "Free-Range", "Cruelty-Free," "Cage-Free," "Organic", etc...
Are Non-Vegan "Animal Lovers" Hypocrites?
How Much Do Looks Matter? (Thigh Gaps, Washboard Abs & Weight Loss)
history of veganism
Vegans In The Renaissance | The History Of Veganism Part One (youtube link)
Vegans In The Renaissance | The History Of Veganism Part Two (youtube link)
Vegans In The Renaissance | The History Of Veganism Part Three
eating vegan
Non-Vegans Try Vegan Food
Dinner With Gary Yourofsky & The Vegan Black Metal Chef
EPIC Vegan Food! (Total Indulgence)
Benefits of Eating Banana PEELS!
Vegan Pecan Pie Bites Recipe | Easy, Cheap & Raw!
What I Eat In a Day As A Raw Vegan | With Nutritional Breakdown
Whats the BEST Vegan Diet, My Vegan Journey, Thoughts on Raw Till 4 & More!
Vegan Christmas Guide: Recipes, Poetry, Parodies & More!
How To Stay Vegan During the Holidays With Non-Vegans
Twas The Night Before Christmas- Vegan Edition
Banana Cream Date Pie Recipe- Raw & Rawtill4 Versions
Vegan Christmas Recipe Roundup: Cruelty-Free & Oh-So-Yummy
How to Shop Vegan for the Holidays + 10% Off Bite Size Discount
The Truth About Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Leftovers & Turkey Pardons
Thanksgiving Recipe Showcase: Epically Ethical
vegan pet food information
Can Pets Be Vegan? And What's REALLY in Pet Food
What I Feed My Vegan Dog + V-Dog Discount!
animal research/vivisection/testing
Does Animal Testing Save Lives?
Why We STILL Test on Animals and How YOU Are Paying for It
How Animal Testing Harms & Kills HUMANS!
What Are the Alternatives to Animal Testing?
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge | Pam Anderson, Animal Testing & Wasted Water
ooby and other fun stuff
Raw Vegan Travel: Road Trip!
Raw Vegan Road Trip Day 2
Raw Vegan Road Trip & Bulldog Reunion!
How to Sneak A Bulldog Into A 4 Star Hotel
Life With(out) You | The Story of Ooby The Bulldog
Haven't seen any new videos by bitesizedvegan in a while. Last was lab-grown meat in March 2016. Looks like she is still posting videos, just not on 30bananasaday. Here's her latest, school lunches.
Somehow all of Emily's discussions on 30BaD were deleted. After repeated requests to Ning to look into this they have never gotten back to us about it. We do not know what happened. Emily has not posted on 30BaD since this happened. I still think it would be good exposure for her to post here and bring more views to her youtube channel. But she is a busy bee and her channel is doing well with many more excellent videos since she posted here last.
Here is a great talk Emily did which went viral:
It was then unfairly censored:
Her work is so awesome and appreciated!
Emily puts loads of effort into her videos. Top notch!
This is amazing!
I wish I could like this more than once :)
I love your videos, Emily!! :D
Great idea Prad, BSV rocks!
thank you for this post, prad! SO appreciate it!
Thank you for posting this!