The overdiscussed calorie conversation....

     I know, I know.  We've heard this a million times and I'm sure you're all tired of answering the same questions.  Yes, I could type into the search engine and find my answers but this post isn't just about the question, it's about finding others who support this new lifestyle. 

     I've tried to talk to so many friends and family members about this and they can't seem to hear me - only the word vegan.  I've tried to not use the term, maybe get rid of the negative connotation, but they seem to reach that conclusion anyway.  I find most of my happiest moments are sitting in front of youtube or on this forum with my smoothie, watching others who feel the same way I do.  So my question isn't just a question and this post isn't just a post - it's also hopes to connect with those who understand why I'm doing this and why I feel so much better now that I've made this choice.

     I guess my current troubles are transferring from my calorie restrictive lifestyle to one of abundance.  I'm addicted to bananas and dates and I feel like I could eat a million if I was allowed.  BUT, My mind won't shut off my old bulimic habits. 

     So in light of my needing support and wanting to find others in this lifestyle, I reach out to you all.  How did you get over those negative thoughts?  How much do you actually eat in a day?  How do you look past the weird stares and the criticism?

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  • You know, it seems the more fresh fruit I eat, the leaner I become. that is from experience and it is a true beauty. all i can say is my mind tries to tell me 'what you are doing is weird. most people eat one third to one fourth the calories you eat. you will gain weight!' but my experience shows, the fruit seems to clear out through my body, depositing nutrients and leaving the un-digestibles and toxins, no matter how much I ingest! and I often find serenity in eating this natural way to how wild animals eat, or my dog, perhaps: they gorge until they are stuffed, run and play with their useable energy sources, and wake up the next day looking light and ready to move ^_^

    what might be helpful is to ditch the scale. I don't weigh myself but have worn the same clothing since beginning this journey - and they fit the same before a 4000 cal fruit/lettuce day, and after a 4000 cal fruit/lettuce day.
  • Freelee and I are binge eaters. We suffer from emotional eating disorder apparently. Thats what the 'experts' say.

    I guess we should eat less and do less.

    • Thanks for the comments!  I know you hear it all the time, but I really can't say how inspiring you and freelee are.  I watch and re-watch everyday!  I love you both!  Thank you!

    • ^^^Like button:)

  • Listen Hillary, I hear you. I am currently coming from a past of multiple eating disorders and I am struggling with the abundant eating. I was actually obsessed with eating dates and then I was too scared to eat them because of the calories. Now I can't stop eating them and I love the feeling they give me of satiety and I always eat more than what I plan on. Of coarse there's still that voice in my head telling me not to eat and that it'll make me fat but it just fight through it and the next day when I wake up with a healthy flat stomache, the voice is gone. You just have to enjoy the moment and know you're going to be happier and healthier (and leaner-Freelee!). And with the criticism thing? I don't give a fructose what anybody thinks, I'm not forcing my beliefs on them so why should they care what I eat? Just like I don't care about what they eat.
  • I eat Bananas and dates till about 6pm then have rice and curry vegetables or pizza or tacos. The dates are amazing. im eating while i drive around for work. and some times eat them at the same time as bananas cause they mix well. But thats it and water and coconut water. Maybe some fresh veggies at work from 6am-2pm. cause im chopping it so i eat some. PPl think im weird too. Im like you need 10 bananas just to get the minimum potassium need for good health. They people sort of understand or grasp it they dont think like us they think "I'm Hungry so lets eat what tastes good bacon on beef on bun done!" we think about fulfilling needs for the body not just are taste buds.

  • I'm just starting this as well - it's been a slow transition process.  So I definitely relate to how you're feeling.  Thank you for your input!  It's really nice to hear that I'm not the only one struggling.  I love how this lifestyle makes me feel and I'm never going back - it's just getting past calorie restricting and bingeing.  Thank you again!

  • Thanks for posting this, Hillary! It's so nice to know we're not alone :)

    I've been vegetarian for 15 years and I've been high-carb vegan for 13 months now. I too come from a past of calorie-restriction, excessive dieting and an eating disorder. I started dieting when I was 8... I'm now 29... I've undergone therapy for my eating disorder, beat depression, and have recovered, but I know my body has almost 20 some years worth of healing to do :/

    I eat 3,000-4,000 calories a day and I've definitely had my fair share of weird looks (especially at family gatherings or from co-workers), from my experience people are more perplexed than anything... kudos to all of us for keeping people on their toes! :P

    As for motivation, I see this as an amazing personal accomplishment! I never thought I'd be able to put away that much food guilt-free :)

    I should also note that I have been steadily gaining weight the entire time I've been on this lifestyle. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and my metabolism is in very poor shape. I've moved up from a size 6/8 to a 12/14 now and that has been something that has shaken my confidence at times, but I really want to be a success story one day and I really want this to work so I keep going :)

    Best of luck to every single one of us! Cheers :)

    • Oh it looks like Bryan deleted his comment here before I could finish this, but I'll add it here in case it helps anyone else!

      Bryan had posted:

      In the end its all about calories in vs calories out for weight loss. A question to you Eva, do you exercise? and if you do, what do you do? (You dont have to respond if its too personal)

      Hi Bryan! As a web designer, I spend MUCH of my day in front of the computer, but I do spin the legs with my cyclist enthusiast hubby (I think we average around 20 miles) 3-4 times a week or I might go for a walk (3 miles) a couple times a week. But I'm by no means a fitness fanatic (like I once was in the prime of my eating disorder days) — if you ask my hubby, he'd say I'm quite lazy ;)

      As for the note about calories in vs. calories out, I definitely understand the logic behind it, but I'm not sure if it's that simple for someone who has really abused their body? I'd be curious to hear if others have had similar experience to me on this?

      I'm certainly not an expert, but back when I was obsessing about everything little thing I ate, working out for literally 3 hours every day, and abusing diuretics, laxatives, and weightloss pills, I was still quite "fleshy" with both fluid and fat — by no means have I ever been skinny or thin, which you might expect from all that "effort" — unhealthy as it was.

      From what I've been studying it sounds like if your hormones and metabolism are all wonky, and if your body doesn't trust you, things might not function the way you'd expect for a while.

      My body has been very ill as a result of how I've treated it in the past and I'm paying my dues.

      Back in college, I started having trouble with my small intestine, which lead to an ever-expanding list of food intolerances, for years I wasn't able to eat anything even mildly acidic without doubling over in pain. I had to keep a handy list of "foods to avoid" and "safe foods" with me at all times. And I was terrified at being told I'd have to be hooked up to tubes for the rest of my life.

      As for metabolism, I was diagnosed several years ago with a very under-active thyroid, and I took Armour Thyroid for it, but I didn't like that it was made from pig thyroid :( I had a real problem with that and quickly stopped taking it. While one's body temperature isn't an exact measurement of metabolism, I've been monitoring my temperature (basal and throughout the day while on this journey) and it averages around 96-97 degrees F so something still doesn't seem quite right. I notice that on days when I drink more water, my temperature will increase slightly.

      Getting enough water in is still something I struggle daily. I've learned how to become comfortable with the fullness of food, but the fullness that accompanies drinking enough water is still something foreign and at times, very uncomfortable for me. So that has become my focus as of late.

      Anyways I hope the helps give some more insight into this weird complex puzzle! Curious to hear if anyone has had similar experience (or advice too!).

      Thanks for taking an interest! :D

    • I really appreciate your story!  It really is so wonderful to see this much support from a post.  This is definitely something I want to stick to, no matter how I end up looking or what others think, I feel so much better with this lifestyle.  Thank you again!

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