For me I am against domestication and having a pet as part of your family, except for the case of adopting a rescued animal. Dogs can eat vegan, but what do you do for a cat? I mean cats are carnivores they need meat and as a vegan I would not want to buy animal products even if I had a cat to feed. If you have a cat or have experience with this or may have a possible solution what are your thoughts?
PS: I don't have a cat.
Rates of cancer, heart disease, and obesity in pets have skyrocketed because the commercial food used to feed them is full of unwanted animal parts (bones, ligaments, tendons, fat cuttings, etc.) and filler that has little nutrition and plenty of carcinogens. Dogs have evolved to live alongside humans, and fare significantly better on table scraps (including rice and vegetables!) and vegan dog food. If you have room in your household and want a furry friend, definitely adopt a dog and get him/her neutered or spayed. 1.2 MILLION dogs are euthanized every year in the US alone!
30BaD has a group devoted to vegan pets:
bitesizevegan has an excellent video on topic:
There are vegan cat foods. They all have synthetic taurine, the amino acid cats need that plants don't produce. Feeding cats vegan isn't really all that cruel when the majority of "regular" cat food still has synthetic taurine added because the amino acid gets denatured from the amount of cooking and high heats used to make cat food. Plus when you consider that cat food is often made from meat unsafe for human consumption, including dog and cat corpses, then I think it's safe to say vegan cat food is not only less cruel, it's much better for the cat.