Too many bannanas?

How many people eat 30 bananas a day? I heard you'd succumb too potassium poisoning you need about 10 for the rda but there isn't really a limit but people say if you get to much your heart will explode I dunno if i should believe it or not because all plants have potassium and they also say to eat salt which we all no to be bad. Thoughts?

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  • Hi, I am doing a research project on raw food for year 12 and would love if you could fill out this short (2 mins) survey for me! I would really appreciate it! Also if you could tell me what sort of benefits and limitations you are having on the raw food diet! THANK YOU! 

  • I have eaten very close to 30 several times and I feel great. Just remember they say to eat meat every meal too even though it rots in your gut for 3 days, so I don't think those people are very good sources of healthy information. In order for me to be poisoned by potassium overload from bananas at my weight, I would have to eat 4,862 bananas in a 24 hour period. That's a ridiculous number! I'm pretty sure unless you can consume 4,863 bananas in one day, you will be fine. Take a look at this

    • Thats an amazing amount of bananas if you could eat 2 less than that in a day I would be amazed hahahaah 4000 less than that I would still be dumb founded hahaha I want to go eat a bunch right now but I will give it till morning before I start my overdose regimen :P I wish I would have found that blog a long time ago! thankyou! 

    • hahaha, love it! 4,862 bananas in a 24 hour period :)

      I was going to respond in a similar fashion.

      I'm pretty tiny, and I've never been able to eat too many bananas! <3 I've had 20 in a meal, and 30+ in a day, with no issues. It's pretty easy to do with the banana-ice-cream.... it's just so tasty.

      • OMG!!! We love banana ice cream! Our 4 year old eats it pretty much everyday... Not just one bowl either - about 3 or 4!!! It's sooooo good!

      • I havent had 20 in a day yet hopefully I can get a few pounds this week and eat a few hundred :P I havent tried bananna icecream yet! I tried making my own blueberrie icecream a while back and it ended up being more ice than cream hahaha I fail :) but it sounds cool!

  • I cannot eat more than 10 large bananas in one sitting, and for the potassium poisoning you need hundreds of bananas in 30 seconds.

    • yea i had 5 two days ago an was stuffed which according to forks over knives is right on the money 500 calories of plant based foods will fill the stomach to satisfaction I cant wait till tomarow morning Im going to start it off with several they werent ripe enough today :/

  • yea sodium chloride (table salt) and pottasium chloride (lethal injection) LD50 at 2.5mg should be avoided at all cost. Im happy to know I cant get enough of the good stuff Crappa managed about 10500 mg of pottasium a day and I was hoping I could do that last year but was told different.  But yea every cell in our body needs pottasium and there is no upper intake of pottasium. I thought every meat eater was deficient in pottasium and had to much salt. but it also has to do with if you have more of one youll sweat out more of the other. I didnt think any natural foods realy contained salt unless it was flouride? Thats why I believed for optimal nutrition we should have basicly no salt and a ton of pottasium. My sisters a nurse and advised against it and so did alot of people deeply vested in health so I didnt get rid of my salt intake untill recently but my family keeps poisoning me.. lol

  • All living things and or foods made from fresh living things have potassium including animal products.  

    So meat eaters should be careful too.  A burger patty has 280 mg of potassium and a large orange 237 lol.  

    Many RDAs are just recommendations, or recommended daily allowances that may serve several purposes. They often just represent a minimal amount just to stay alive.  After that it is open season.  

    In the case of sodium, it is a limit on how much we should have if we eat it at all.  Best sodium for humans comes in bioorganic forms found in our fruits like tomatoes, lettuce greens, nuts, seeds, and some items like cilantro and celery if the individual can tolerate them.  Table salt is almost never good for us causing systemic complications.  

    We have not had any members spontaneously explode or have heart attacks cause they were chowing on the nanners, and I have not known of any primate cousin species going extinct cause they gorged on fruit.  

    We need potassium for many body functions, and the rest is passed out in the urine.  

    I concur with what someone else said though about medicinal potassium.  Binge on Grannies potassium tablets, and you might have problems.  Think lethal injections of potassium chloride....

    Peace, PK

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