
  • Getting as many persimmons as I can before they go out of season, fresh dates, and bananas the raw-food rice (staple). Chowing 2 heads of romaine or 1/2 pound of baby spinach a day.

  • Huge smoothie bowl made from frozen peaches and berries 😍! Using peaches as a base instead of bananas sometimes really keeps things fresh .

  • Nam Doc Mai mangoes, watermelon, ducasse bananas, jackfruit and pineapples :D 

  • jackfruit and this beautiful seed-filled pineapple 8342250259?profile=RESIZE_400x

    • O-m.g this pineapple looks so incredible. I can't believe you can grow these yourself!!!!! 

    • Jackfruit, looks big like Durian, I never bought one because.....  

  • Passion fruit and pineapple

  • we just picked an amazing jackfruit and have been eating it (and it only) all day, one of my fav fruits for sure. i've also been eating some homemade saurkraut lately, seems to digest fine, doesn't initiate a 'can't stop eating' effect like similar cooked creations. here's a pic: 


  • Been starting the day of with watermelons! For some reason around here they've resurfaced and are great if not spectacular. So watermelon, canteloupe, green and fuji apples, ORANGES, spinach, peas please, mushrooms, grapes, some mangoes but that was a fluke ;P, mini papayas.
  • Mangoooooos!! My grocery store just had a huge sale on mangos and grapes! Also romaine, bananas, dates, lotsa delicious citrus (navels, minneolas, clementines, grapefruit), pears, celery, and some tomatoes... I live in New England so I'm also eating a TON of 4 lbs a day, can't get organic but I peel 'em, they're super cheap.
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