Hey all! I'm new here. On my first week HCRV and I'm seeing signs of detox! But today I gave in to peer pressure and had a meat product. Now I feel sicker than sick! First meat or animal product in a week. My mom keeps telling me I'm sick from all the bananas I'm eating. I have one mono meal of bananas a day. Consisting of 5 - 10 per meal. I know for a fact I'm not the biggest banana eater out there, but to her this seems so out of the normal. So I can't blame her for being sceptical, but I feel this is the way The Lord has intended me to eat. Yet I don't know who as to do every time she talks down about HCRV. Any suggestions guys?
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Watch Forks Over Knives with her if you haven't seen it already.
Thanks guys for all the suggestions!
I would say both of you should watch forks over knifes and earthlings. I just watched them last week. It has further cemented my choices and beliefs and expanded my knowledge on them.
I'm new too!!!!! Yay, for new fruitbats! I had seven bananas for lunch and a 10 orange orange juice out of a bucket, my husband looked at me like I was freaking crazy, but I just looked at him and told him, "I'm not afraid of what this is doing to me, so you shouldn't be either." You are changing the way you eat for you and your health. If you truly believe the bananas made you sick, you should maybe split and have 4 naners, a mango, and 2 or 3 oranges, with some pear juice. I promise you, this life style will make you feel better no sicker. I got to say though, I really think it was the meat that made you sick. If you haven't already I would suggest watching A Beautiful Truth with your mom. Even if she doesn't see your side of things at least you will know why you go sick from the meat. :-) Hope this helps.
watch A Delicate balance too maybe
show her her food in crono meter and yours . :)