

    try it out...or find another way :) 

  • WELL i would have posted this on the chat !!!! i m gonna do it here....

    watching DAN THE MAN (yes i am obviously BORED !!!!!!!!!! guess why ! ) doing zuchini pasta..with his kids ???? no idea who katja is...and the other girl hides behind her hair all the time :P ... sauce : olive oil, avocado, garlic , seasoning, sea.-salt :O :O :O  

    That dressing is BAD ! dont do it !  ..well 99 percent of it.....

    i know all those ingredients (except the avocado r not supported here..and adding this link doesnt mean i support it !! i actually dont do ANY of those ingredients... neither the avocado) 

    listen 4.20 + seconds !!! talking bout OIL ! ...comparing juicing fruits and veggies with "juicing olives" ...HAHA....

    (well sure both is bad...) but i found it funny.....

    or watch the whole video :D

    WELL i kinda hope this is not like FORBIDDEN to add the link here :O  ...... 

    • hey stephy, thanks for the update. I don't think olives taste very good.. I miss chat also, i guess this could suffice.. -_- idk im watching the video :D sunshine im sure is disgusted by all this oil and garlic n onion... I hope you don't get banned for slowing down the server with yo link... :D    No wonder his daughter isnt showing her face, shes an 811'er!! lol

      I've just gotten done jamming(drumming, bassing, singing)  out all day/night, soon to sleep.. :D

      • good morning & namaste herro stephy

        btw you can link directly to a certain point in the video by removing the "www." the "" adding instead a ".be" removing also the "watch?v=" - or if it's a longer link everything else apart from the video code behind the "/" and adding behind the code a "?t=" with the minutes as example "4m" and the seconds with "20s" just together as "4m20s" (hours would be "h" and while i didn't find any video lasting more than a day - longest was 10h - i guess it would be "d")

        in this case it be

        although it seems you can also add "&" behind the code but i hv alrdy written it

        and also you can actually see her face a little bit at the end of the video here:

        ... and i don't think this is giving very good examples of the high quality communication of the chat XD

        • Thank you for the run down on youtube coding Sephtan, Namastadon to you! What are you thinking would be a better quality of communication to represent chat? .... I'm trying not to cry, and it's real easy without smiley.. D`:

      • check this out before u go to bed !!!!! i wanna see if it even works 

        otherwise have a good night :) 

        • Yeah this seems to work well for now ":)

  • Seems the same to me Stephy :)

  • Is it to you guys any faster on this site now ? .... it sounded that shutting down the chat should make other things faster ???? (maybe i misunderstood...)

    Coz for me its as slow as before. If i open "my inbox", forum etc. it usually takes like 5-10 seconds to load that page....and that pretty much is the same for everything i do here.

    The chat itself though. ONce it was opend was always fast. 

    I dont really have an idea about all this server stuff. Capacity etc. Maybe its a question of money ? They need "bigger server ???" and it would cost more money and who to charge? 

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