I was looking at this website but not sure if they ship to Europe as well. http://store.veganessentials.com/vegan-compassion-organic-cotton-t-shirt-by-nonviolenceunitedorg---black-p2073.aspx
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My store will reopen soon: http://www.veganteeshirts.com/
All items are under $20, we'll have some clearance items under $10 too!
Low flat fee for worldwide shipping only $4.99.
There's too much stateism on that t-shirt, that's why i wouldn't wear it.. also it contradicts itself by saying it's vegan and then later obviously being a statist.
what does that mean statist
the opposite of anarchist... someone that advocates for slavery, though they use different words to sweet talk the reality, it's a huge religion with a enormous following, they have their huge temples, their rituals, their non-existant mythological entity etc. .
too late guys ordered it from there, let´s hope it will be delivered