I know antioxidants help prevent oxidization and therefore rid of free radicals and enzymes are produced by organisms that starts biochemical reactions. Are fruits and vegetables rich in enzymes? Are enzymes and antioxidants similar?
Thanks y'all!
I know antioxidants help prevent oxidization and therefore rid of free radicals and enzymes are produced by organisms that starts biochemical reactions. Are fruits and vegetables rich in enzymes? Are enzymes and antioxidants similar?
Thanks y'all!
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Yes. Raw fruits and vegetables tend to be rich in enzymes and antionxidants.
Are they similar? Well, they are classified by different functions, so they are dissimilar in that regard. They are not not usually chemically similar either since enzymes are always proteins but an antioxidant could be anything: lipid, protein, mineral, other. The exceptions are the few known enzymes that are also antioxidants. Catalase, for example, is both.
enzymes are proteins, antioxidants are minerals.