hi i'm having a crisis right now because well I know that meat, dairy, eggs, honey, and like, gelatin is not vegan. But when it comes down to these really long, scientific sounding words and different vitamins and stuff I just don't know. I look it up and there are things that say "people call it 'typically vegan' ". Things that say "can be derived from beans, leafy greens, eggs, nuts, and soy". (along those lines, not word for word). I would rather not completely avoid the things I don't know about, but I don't think it's reasonable to learn every single freaking ingredient that is out there because that realm of weird is it vegan or not is so wide! any ideas on what to do. sometimes I just want, for my mental health, to give myself freedom and not ALWAYS eat perfect raw till 4, perfect "unrefined", or perfectly anything. but often those products have confusing ingredients that are maybe not worth the research? if anyone maybe has a list of this sort of things for reference I would greatly appreciate it :). thank you
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Dont worry, with practise label reading will be easy. If you accidentally eat something that isn't vegan dont beat yourself up and give up entirely! But there really are so many easily accessible resources. Google "how to eat vegan at *insert restaurant/takeaway food shop here*" if you want to eat out. you don't have to give up on subway and starbucks ;) or sorbet in a cup, not a cone! There's no reason why you cant have some cruelty free treats. unless youre trying to lose weight, if so keep them to a minimum.
Here's some links. let me add that white vinegar isnt vegan.
the happycow phone app will direct you to your nearest vegan cafe/store: https://www.happycow.net
dont forget google is your best friend for googeling "vegan cupcakes near me" or "is this brand's apple pie vegan" and that in cafes you can either explain you're vegan or, even more effective, say youre allergic to milk and egg.
if you let me know what country you are in, I can send a list of luxurious junk food vegan items in your country.
this will probably sound snotty etc. but the best possibilities/ chances 2 live maximum vegan : grow own food (without blood, bone or other derivates fertlizer....), create sweet/ savory ( yummy/preference) dishes ....
Who said we live about 30 % from what we eat (digest), the doctorts live from the rest ?!
Also try the app Animal Free.
There was an interesting video by Jeff Nelson on this. Donald Watson, who invented veganism, was much less fanatical than his followers. He even allowed honey. Eventually he got sick of all the drama and left the vegan society.
This site has the whole story.
Thank you, Sextain! The article you are linking to says that Watson did consider honey to be not vegan. But that some of his followers continued to consume honey.
He initially banned honey but then relented and allowed it.
He was an ethical vegan but believed that extremism was unhelpful to the vegan cause.
An old thread on topic: http://www.30bananasaday.com/forum/topics/bug-wax-coating-on-fruits...
One day the Buddha told a novice monk to find a suitable spot under a tree to practice his meditation for the day. At the end of the day the Buddha asked the novice monk how his practice went. The monk said that he spent the entire day looking for a tree with no bugs underneath, as to no kill any bugs, but could not find one. Buddha explained that it was not possible to live without ever accidentally killing and to go to any extreme to not kill would prevent one from living a balanced life. So that when looking for a suitable tree to sit under try to find one with minimal bugs and try to sweep them away gently and try to sit in a way not to kill them like high on a tuft of grass.
So you are absolutely right to want to live a moral life by not killing and at the same time living your life with reasonable awareness. Your intention is right and your awareness will naturally grow. It's best not to stress about it too much.
You can order some items from vegan web stores, like jelly beans and chocolates etc.
To get an idea of just how much stuff that we use has animal ingredients in them check out this video below: