After having an argument with my non-vegan friends, they made a point I wasn't 100% confident answering. Why is meat and dairy on the eat well plate (in UK, not sure if this is applicable to elsewhere?) if it is so bad for us? All non vegan doctors encourage the consumption but i know they shouldn't? Why do they encourage to eat this disease causing produce?
Help appreciated!
Same reason prescription drugs are recommended: keeps the public powerless, stupid, and complacent—and the money flowing to the Elite!
About time ppl realize those who run our governments do not have our best interests at heart. Nothing could be further from the truth.
People and governments promote it because it's good for business and they're paid/supported by business. It's on the eat-well plate because the public already believes it and because governments don't care about it's citizens but rather only staying in power, which takes money.
Other than that it's just people who are ignorant and recommending what someone who deliberately lied to them or was ignorant to as well taught them.
That's what I believe at least, in most countries, as it is just the sad reality of the world we live in where money and power is king and compassion is weakness, the sad reality is that most people with power want to keep it, and most of them will hurt others to ensure they keep it, even if that means hurting those they are close to, or even their self.
I mean, in a world where healthcare, doctors, nutritionists, college, etc, only exist for profit, what else can you expect? They're here for their self, to supply a service, for their own benefit. Not yours. It didn't have to be like this.