thx for reading peeps,
The 30BaD mod crew
Will I get banned for saying I eat cooked food?
No, no one here has ever been banned because of saying they eat non-raw/non-vegan food. We respect that everyone here is at different stages in their health journey. Virtually all of us come from a SAD/omnivorous background at one point or another. Most of us have slip ups when starting out on the lfrv path. We are here to support people on their lfrv journey not ban them because they fell off the wagon. Anyone who has told you that you will be banned for mentioning eating cooked food is mistaken.
What we do not permit is promoting cooked foods, animal foods, condiments, spices, superfoods, gourmet raw dishes or under-eating fruit as being optimal for health. Since this is a vegan site for obvious ethical reasons we do not support the endorsement of animal food consumption or the use of animal products. Nor do we permit others to be rude to other members, including the moderators.
In some instances we recommend folks to eat cooked vegetables or starches to avoid starvation but for the most part we promote a 100% lfrv diet and want to help people succeed at living this lifestyle. Whether or not you are currently 100% lfrv, you are still welcome to browse the forum and participate in discussions.
If however you truly do not believe that a 100% lfrv diet is optimal and/or feasible then 30BaD is probably not the site for you. There are many other forums on the web that may better suit your beliefs and needs.
Do I have to eat 3000 calories a day every day?
Not necessarily. Each individual’s caloric needs will vary depending on their age, gender, weight, body fat composition, activity levels, etc. We recommend using an online calorie tracker like nutridiary or the free downloadable program cronometer to calculate your caloric requirements based on your individual vital stats.
If you want to have optimal energy levels, nutrient intake and sense of well being, then yes 3000 calories is a good base level, particularly for the athletically inclined males but also females who want to be highly active as well. But again caloric requirements depend on the needs of the individual.
What we do not recommend is drastically under-eating calories either to lose weight or facilitate ‘detox’. Under-eating is a sure way to fall off the lfrv wagon and can contribute to potentially serious physical and psychological problems.
We choose how much physical and mental activity we engage in daily; we do not choose how much water, calories, nutrients, sleep and sunlight we need in order to thrive. For optimal health we must obey the needs of the body, not try to decide what it needs.
Are unseasoned steamed veggies/boiled sweet potatoes etc. really that bad for you?
As far as cooked food goes they are by far the most optimal choices.
However since many lfrv’s feel ill after eating these foods, this suggests that they are less than optimal for vibrant health compared to raw fruits and tender greens.
Eating cooked veggies is your choice. If you are not interested in being 100% lfrv we respect that. Considerable clinical evidence shows that a low fat cooked food vegan diet has enormous health and disease reversal benefits compared to omnivorous and lacto-ovo vegetarian diets. We support anyone adopting and practicing a vegan lifestyle.
What we do not want to see here in the forums are more discussions rationalizing why one chooses to eat these foods (i.e. environmental reasons, financial reasons, because certain indigenous tribes eat them etc.). If you choose to eat cooked vegetables for whatever reason that’s fine, you do not have to justify your decision to anyone else but yourself.
That said we are of the belief that if one truly wants to maintain a 100% lfrv lifestyle it can be done almost anywhere in the world we live in today. 30BaD is here to show you how, not help you make excuses for not doing something you don’t really want to be doing.
I don’t run ultramarathons and bike hundreds of kilometers every day. Does this mean I’m sedentary?
If you’re doing 1-2 hrs of exercise a day on average then no! Even Dr. Doug admits that he only does about an hour of exercise a day. How much exercise you do in a day is your choice. You don’t actually have to do ANY exercise, only if you want to feel great and be as healthy as you can :)
The minimum amount of exercise recommended by the WHO is 1 hour of moderate intensity exercise per day on average (for some this might be a 3 mile brisk walk). This is also what Doug recommends. This is the minimum amount, not the optimal amount. More exercise will of course yield better results in terms of fitness and overall health. If you can’t do this yet, however much you can do is far better than nothing.
All wild animals by necessity must be athletic in order to acquire food and avoid predators. Sick and wounded animals do not live very long in the wild; obese wild animals are impossible to find.
Humans by nature are also athletic, though we all have varying athletic abilities. Many are at sub-optimal levels of fitness due to health challenges and a world which demands that we be sedentary. The goal is to increase our level of fitness wherever we are currently at. We gauge our progress by our own improvements over time, not by comparing ourselves to others.
Is running bad for you?
If you’re already in reasonably good health then no. Anyone who drops dead of a heart attack after a run was not in good health to begin with, it can’t be concluded that jogging was the sole cause of their death without taking other lifestyle factors into account.
If running or whatever physical activity is really something that does not appeal to you then you don’t have to do it! Endurance athletes are drawn to their sports because they love them; find the activities you love and do them as much as you care for every week.
You need to be a member of The Frugivore Diet to add comments!
This needs to be updated lol! (This is a featured discussion)
Lol, an oldy but a goody! ;)
All of 30BaD's forum guidelines have been updated, such as the policy on eating cooked foods. This is a discussion and does not get changed or updated. 30BaD still promotes raw foods as the best and although this discussion title is not relevant anymore due to guideline changes, it still has interesting points.
If Freelee is 100% lfrv then why does she eat pasta and baked potatoes sometimes?? Is this okay for the vegan lifestyle? If you're a cooked food vegan do you also have to be high carb or no?
Well said ag!
One point is that by definition whole foods cannot be cooked, cooked foods are not in their whole state. So just go for the least processed you can.
I have a hard time getting my cycling/obese/chronic fatigued/anorexic/fatted out mates to eat enough pasta, rice, corn etc let alone fruits! :)