Hi guys,
I know most people that come from eating disorders are likely to gain weight. I am 5'8" (173cm) and when I started this lifestyle in April 2012, I was 132lbs (60kg). I didn't gain weight the first 6 months, my weight was very stable, unlike my disordered past, where it would fluctuate a lot.
I now weigh 165lbs (75kg).
Towards the end of December though, I started to gain weight like crazy. I thought it was due to my hormones, so I didn't change my eating habits (I eat about the same way since I started, just started increasing my calorie intake due to stress at work/school and training for running races). So since that time, I have been gaining and gaining and gaining. None of my old clothes fit, and running is getting tough, I am out of breath easily and it just is no longer fun to work out. When I come back from work I am exhausted, I lay down on the couch and I sleep instantly.
I eat 5 bananas before work, then eat 3 hours later, 1.5kg of oranges, more bananas when I come back, 10-15 in smoothie form. I eat a big salad for dinner (head of lettuce with tomatoes, cucumber, sweet peppers and beetroot)
I drink a lot during the day (more than anyone I know!) and my urine is always clear. I sleep a lot, 10-12hrs a day these days and I guess I get my exercise from working (on my feet for 7 hours standing or walking).
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I know health is more important than weight, I feel really healthy, but it sucks to run in tent like dresses all the time to hide my body. What will I do once the weather is colder again? :( I gave all of my old clothes away when I lost weight 5 yrs ago!
Just a quick update: I am doing SO much better now. I am almost back down to my usual weight, without even trying. I stopped running every day, and instead started doing lighter exercises/weight lifting. Just when I feel like it, not when I think that I "have to!". Thanks again for all of your help!
This makes sense to me, I don't think I get anywhere near enough calories from raw food at the moment and trying to do it for a month, even though it's a short amount of time, has got to make a difference. I'm going to go for it!
I realize that what I have been doing wasn't exactly helpful. I hope I didn't cause too much damage in those 2 weeks and will go back to high carb, high calorie, 100% raw fruits and leafy greens. I am up for the challenge. I will report back here to let you know how I do!
Thank you all so much for your help!
Thank you Peter!
I know you are right and I know it takes time... I will slowly increase the calories again, I don't want to harm my body. Instead of focusing on weight, I need to focus on health. I KNOW all this, but actually doing it is another thing. 4000 calories is a lot of food though, and I want to be 100% raw. My budget is very low at the time being, think I could do 2000+ calories from dates a day?
Nick, thanks for reply, that actually sounds like heaven, but I can't do this. I had to work the last 2 weekends and today I finally have a day off. I have to work this weekend again, but next weekend I will have both days off. I am home at 2pm already, so I still can relax most of the day on Friday. I will follow your advice and do that.
Also cut back the intensity. Just do low heart rate stuff for the next year. Give your body a break. Do walking and cycling around.
This sounds scary. I think I love running too much to give it up :( I love to sweat and love to push myself.
I have gained weight ever since starting this lifestyle--I gained about 20 kilos (I was 90 lbs, now around 130 lbs). I'm 5'5. I needed to gain some weight, as I was anorexic, but I thought 40 pounds was too much. It's not though! I recognized that this is part of the healing process, and you just need to let yourself heal. That's all. Patience is key.
I would suggest you relax. These past two weeks I have been practicing meditation and relaxation techniques and I already feel better--I have a heightened sense of well-being and better body image. I have no idea if I lost weight or not, since I do not weigh myself, but I feel lighter and higher and healthier.
I have been following this lifestyle for about 16 months now. I think my time has finally come where my body adjusts itself to its natural shape and weight. Patience is key, my friend.
Hang in there <3
Thanks Alexandra :) Sounds like you are in a great place right now! I also love meditation and relaxation techniques and try to incorporate them in my daily life. It is tough ever since I started working though... I'm having so much stress at work. But still I love what I do and wouldn't want to miss it. I just have to find a way to do both :)I know patience is key... Some days I am patient and on others, like yesterday, I just freak out and lose control.