Celia Farber writes:
http://is.gd/bjJ08Dear Aziz,
I am sorry for the loss of your friend. Please listen because you have mis-characterized the HIV dissident movement: It asks thefollowing:
1. Does a positive HIV test mean you are infected with HIV and what IS HIV?
2. Does a positive HIV test mean that you are set on a clock for surefire immune depletion and death?
3. HIV positivity is generally a signal of something ‘going on’ with an immune system, though we have also seen cases where it seemed not toindicate poor health at all. Due the to vastly vastly varied outcomes ofHIV sero-conversion and the decades that follow that we have LIVED andSEEN, we send the message to each other and the world: “We don’t knowwhat it means but do not take it as a death sentence. Believe you canwork and heal yourself and try not to be overtaken by fear because themind governs the body.”
4. Many of us have come to believe that AIDS is a fungal crisis. ARVs have potent anti-fungal components. Speaking for myself, I think theycan “play a role,” but the deeper work is in the total restoration ofhealth, centered in the health of the intestinal tract. (See TonyLance’s works.) I have never and would never push anybody to abandon ARVregimens. The dilemma is not BINARY. The problems with the HIV/AIDStheory as it stands, is a CRYSTAL of concerns.
They include:
* The horrific psychic effects of the death sentence on mind, body and soul
* The stigma of being HIV positive and how it cuts people off from life,hope, community, intimacy, childbearing, etc.
* The immense problems with the HIV tests, which are not standardized.Countless people we KNOW have tested positive, negative and/orindeterminate. Why does the test flip flop like this? What is the testdesigned to test for? Why are the standards for positivity different indifferent labs, different countries, etc? Why is everybody HIV positiveif blood is tested straight and not diluted?
* Why do some people test HIV positive and stay free of AIDS for 20 plusyears?
We ALSO ask:
* Why do people who go off ARV drugs and/or never take them and who havenever been serious drug addicts etc, still get sick and die in somecases?
As you know, many people–hundreds of thousands–who have followed orthodox protocol, from AZT to DDi, d4t, etc, over the ARVs/cocktails,have ALSO died. It is denial for you to suggest otherwise. There aredeaths on all sides. Tony Lance has found that sickness correlates 100%with destruction of intestinal flora, and that health correlates 100%with restoration of intestinal flora.
* The dissident movement is looking at AIDS from a holistic perspectiveand is seeking answers that encompass both the body, soul and mind.
* Do you think there is no such thing as the soul? Do you think it isfair, compassionate, and just to sentence people to death via anantibody test? None of the predictions of the HIV/AIDS paradigm haveremained stable or borne out. Billions of dollars have been madeexploiting people’s fear and pushing them into repeated testing with atest that does not even have a gold standard. Why do you think the HIVtest inserts state that the tests can not test for the presence ofabsence of HIV?
Something is wrong and people who have tested positive are held captive inside the unresolved puzzle.
We ask that the attacks, harassment and persecution of people struggling to find answers to their health cease. You don’t own them,you don’t govern them, they are independent autonomous beings who aretaking responsibility for their choices. People are free to choose ARVsif they want and also free to pursue other paths that don’t involvedrugs. There are COUNTLESS success stories among people who haveembraced comprehensive healing, in the West and in Africa. No evidencepoints to a single germ causation model.
All signs point to the importance of the intestinal tract, nutrition, fungal overload, and the importance of casting off the despair and fearimposed by the Gallo/NCI theory and the Pharma-funded minions whocontinue to make tens of millions of dollars in reward for pushing drugsonly and relentless persecution of those seeking other answers.
These people have deployed the abuse, debasement, slander, lies, professional assassination, espionage, and McCarthyism all in the nameof wanting to “save lives.” Their relentless persecutions have putpeople in their early graves and because they broadcast it so proudly,history will have it amply recorded.
Go to “war” all you want. It might serve you better to listen to the people who are fighting for these questions to be answered. You willdiscover that they are sound, ethical, brave human beings. That youdon’t want to hear their truths is unfortunate for you but try to acceptthat people are born free and not obliged to become pharmaceuticalslaves.
There is no class of rulers ordained to “save” other people’s lives.
We are all responsible for our lives and our health and we exchange information and make choices best we can.
Thank you for respecting this.
I said I would never address HIV/AIDS again but I made an exception, because you are trying to terrorize people with death. Do we show updangling corpses on your websites?
No. Because we don’t traffic in fear, blame, control, or contempt.