Hello, lovely people!
I'm interested to know how others have responded to your vegan life-style. Have they shown genuine interest, or do they generally palm you off in ignorance?
Also, do you have any stories about friends going vegan from your example?
Feel free to share your experiences!
Shalom x ~
I get the lovely game of "20 questions" after they see that I don't consume animal products and bi-products..."Where's your protein? Wheres your source of fat? They say you need this much (pulls number out of ass) meat and fat a day to live a sustainable diet. A little dairy won't kill ya." Yea, it wont instantly kill me you may be right....it will just make me sluggish, bloated, give me breakouts, and suck the energy out of me until, over time, when I consume the "recommended amount" of other animals milk, I will wonder where all of these common 'American' diseases including obesity are coming from. Also, WHO IS "THEY" ANYWAY?! 'They' is the American pharmaceutical and livestock/dairy farming industries whose bills are supported by our digestion of their "HUMANELY KILLED ANIMALS"....and once we've consumed our recommended dose of animal products and bi-products and eventually get an awful disease like cancer (which at one point I believed, ran in my family as if I had no control), we go back to the same sources who, in essence, guided us to these diseases in the first place, and we give up our money and control to them once again for medicine and treatments which may or may not kill us...."Let food be thy medicine." - Hippocrates.... Pardon my rant but living with meat eaters and not knowing any vegans in my area (yet) really sucks sometimes because I have so much passion for this subject as a whole and no one cares to listen to the statistics. I understand that I can be very pushy about the matter sometimes,and I have complete respect for others' dietary preferences, but it is ALL based off of love for my planet and the earthlings of it..If I know how to help in the fields i'm passionate about, i'll go right for it. Besides my rants not being acknowledged, my direct family is pretty supportive and sees that i'm a lot happier on this lifestyle and they appreciate my love of the simplicity and beauty of the endless earth foods I have the pleasure of consuming everyday, which I find pretty cool. (:
People are okay with me being vegan and some people are really interested, but then they tell me "I could never do that". Which annoys me because obviously enyone can go vegan and stay vegan if they just opened their eyes for all the horror of the meat and dairy industry...
Rather than influencing, I have been influenced by a older vegan couple that mentor me in the way of living foods. As is very common, I get asked a lot where I possibly get my protein from. Other than that, my friends and family have been very accommodating and accepting of my lifestyle. I'm lucky in the amount of support I get despite being the only vegan my age I know. Its just common knowledge that "Lily eats a lot of fruit and salad" :) How about you? Any support for your vegan lifestyle?