Persuading your parents to let you go vegan!

In the past I have attempted to go vegetarian which my parents hated. After 1 month they refused to let me go on with the lifestyle as they saw it as a hassle and a way of seeking attention through diet. After 6 months of research and studying into a vegan lifestyle and more specifically the 30Bad lifestyle I am 100% certain that I would like to follow this lifestyle for the rest of my life. However after failing previously to persuade my parents that a vegetarian lifestyle was not extreme and was healthy I believe I need some help and advise please. How did you persuade your parents? My mother and father are very tradition and believe everything they hear on the news. Also my father is a vet and needs lots of scientific evidence to persuade him to do anything. Health notes// I have previously had anorexia and a mild case of jaundice. I have IBS and have a weak immune system. Hope someone can help ;)

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  • Hello! :)Idthink the most important part, especially in your case because you said your father needs lots of scientific evidence, is to persuade them with knowledge. You said yourself you have researched for months (good for you by the way!), so put that knowledge to good use and explain how the vegan, HCLF lifestyle works and is amazing. Also, theres a page on YouTube called that Freelee said is supposed to have very educational videos regarding the vegan lifestyle so maybe show your parents some of those?

    Overall, I'd say be knowledgeable and organized so they know how much this matters to you. Also, one last thing, also make sure you give them a plan of what you are eating in advance so they are sure you are getting what nutritions you need. Thats what I had to do :)

    Hope this helps! :)
    • Thanks for your help and replying! I will definitely make sure to show my dad the channel of educational videos hopefully it will make him less worried. How did you show your parents your nutrition? Did you use Cron-o-meter? Also how much calories do you recommend me to eat? I'm 5`3. :) 

      Thank you for replying it means a lot to me :)   

  • Have them watch "Forks over Knives", and MAYBE "earthlings" but that one is iffy, so watch it first then it is your call.

    also, are they creationists or evolutionists? that can help us come up with a better way to present facts :)

    • I have had my dad watch "earthlings" however all he said at the end was that the movie was aimed to persuade people to become vegan or vegetarian meanwhile it left me in tears. He is a catholic but he is a vet in the UK and use to work in the past with animal welfare to ensure that animals were being killed humanely. He is a man of his science but when it comes to religion nothing can contradict his beliefs. Thank you for replying it means a lot to me :)

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