Hi! everyone
As we follow 80/10/10
High Carb Low fat Raw vegan Lifestyle
we want low fat
so only small amount of nut, right?
What about if I want to make raw brownies
the recipe that has no nut in it contains coconut shredded
Which one has more fat?
Coconut shredded or nut?
or I should get rid of both
and find a recipe which contains only fruit + veggie?
What about high fat fruit like durian?
Can anyone tell me the different?
Mature coconut and nuts have different percentage of total fat content(due to water content),but different type of fat.Similar percentage though in caloric ratio terms.
If you use small amounts of nuts or coconut(say 1.5 ounces),it can be balanced in the context of 80/10/10 with larger amount of low fat fruit and greens over the course of a day or few days.Durian has about 30% fat content but higher carb and water than most nuts and seed.
I prefer water rich fats, such as coconuts, avocados, and durians to the dense nuts and seeds. In my opinion, its very easy to overeat on nuts, and get that "heavy feeling". Our body is 70%+ water, so I believe its important to eat things that have a high water content, instead of dehydrated foods (such as nuts).
Young coconuts are considered highly nutritious. One whole coconut has only 140 calories and provides 17% of the RDA for calcium. The total fat content is 3 grams, all saturated. With a zero content of cholesterol, the young coconut has 50 mg sodium, 28 grams of carbohydrate, 2 grams of fiber,15 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of protein.
Mature Coconut: The raw grated meat of a mature coconut has 283 calories and 2.7 grams of protein for 1 cup(80 grams),with 12.2 grams of carbohydrates. The sodium content is low at 16 mg. Coconut is a high fiber food that delivers 7.2 grams for 1 cup of freshly grated.1 cup of grated coconut has 26.8 grams of total fat with 23.8 grams saturated.
In ayurveda,middle aged coconut are considered best than mature or young coconut.
Mature fresh coconut has 18/3/79 caloric ratio but 38% water compared to most nuts at 5%
Durian is 67/3/30 and about 60% water
I would use fresh grated mature coconut over dried shredded if you can get them(added bonus of the water inside the shell)
You can use cronometer.com to calculate how much fat will be in the brownies and if it adheres to LFRV. It likely doesn't. 1 cup of shredded coconut (fresh, raw) is 28+ grams of fat. Coconut in general is 80% fat. This is comparable to nuts.