detox??? HELP!

Hey guys, its my second day of rt4,  and this morning did not go so well. I had a smoothie of  8 medjool dates, 2 oranges, 2 bananas, and 1 mango. As soon as I had a couple sips, I was bouncing with energy. However after finishing,  my tummy hurt like crazy, and I had to lie down.   I was wondering if this may have been detox? There may have also been a couple of blended orange seeds in there, if that means anything.....

For lunch I decided to have some sweet potato noodles with red pasta sauce (instead of fruit) and my tummy started to hurt again!! 

For the past few weeks I've been eating primarily starch solution style (pretty low fat..) so I'm wondering how hard the detox period should hit/whether this is detox at all???

Any help would me great!!!! Nika

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  • This is an awesome discussion. I just realized I should thank the OP and all the other awesome people who replied. Can anyone recommend any online stores to order dates and bananas in bulk? I have a hard time finding them where I live and my work schedule is insane, so I don't get to go to the grocery as often as I'd like. Also, does anyone have any awesome recipes for smoothies or any sources for bottles as insanely huge as Freelee's? (I want one of those SOOOOO bad!!!)

    • Hey,

      I got a 1,5 liter drinking bottle from amazon called Nalgene. It's plastic put very good and handy for big smoothies :) 

  • Mono meal babe! Keep your smoothies to only a few items as well you should read up on food combing because all that sounds like a bloating dishwater waiting to happen, Citrus fruits and sweet fruits will mess you up!

    I'd suggest starting your day with a bunch of bananas smoothie add in chia, flax, etc. if you like, but keep it simple!

  • Agree with Nina, go for monomeals. If you like a citrussy taste, put the zest of a lemon but not the juice. I go bananas all the ways, dates are too filling for me and more than 8 in a smoothy I feel like a boa for hours, unable to then " carb up " with fruit the way I ought. Bananas bananas bananas!
  • hi nika! maybe the oranges with sweet fruit are not a good idea. try mono meals to go easyer on your digestive sistem. how is your digestion? i'm on rt4 about 1 month, wanna try a 30 days challenge with me? so we can stay foccused in cristmas hahahaha! sorry about the bad english, i'm brasilian

    • This is such a helpful discussion. Thank you for posting this tip! Se você quiser falar Português, estou feliz de falar com você. Tenho família em Santa Cruz do Sul. Seu Inglês é muito bem. :)

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