Hi! everyone
I've a big problem here
I've been 100% HCRV for 8 days
I lost 3 kg already
but when I weight at my gym
My weight has gone down
but my fat mass is going up
the weight that lost is my muscle weight!!!
(I've been working out quite hard lately)
I don't understand how could it happens
Is it some fruit I have that has lots of fat in it?
Then what fruit???
I'm really confuse and need you advice now
I'll post the result I got from bidy analysis and my eating journal here
The day before I start go 100% HCRV
weight - 60 kg
BMI - 22.6
BMR - 5513 kj (How much my body can burn energy)
1318 kcal
Impendence - 392
fat% - 22.7%
Fat mass - 13.6 kg
FFM - 46.4
TBW - 34.0 kg (muscle weight)
Today (8 days later)
weight - 57 kg LESS
BMI - 21.5 LESS
BMR - 5388 kj LESS!
1288 kcal
Impendence - 571 UP
fat% - 28.4% UP
Fat mass - 16.2 kg UP
FFM - 40.8 LESS!
TBW - 29.9 kg (muscle weight) LESS!
What's going on here!!!!!
I can burn less energy
My fat mass is going up
and what the others are (I need to look up for what it is) change a lot!!!
I don't know
This is my eating journal from day3 to day7(I forgot to save 1st + 2nd day)
Day 3
Breakfast - 1 watermelon <3kg>
4 bananas
1 kg Negrito
Lunch - 11 bananas
Dinner: 1 mixed berry smoothies
1 pineapple
1 cultivated banana
Calories 3960
Exercise: 1.5 hour aerobics
1 hour mountain bike
Sleep: 10.30 hr
Total water: 4 lit
Day 4
Breakfast – bananas 9
Lunch – 8 bananas
2 Trolleys
Dinner: 2 bananas
3 trolleys
Calories 2900
Exercise: 0<rest day>
Sleep: 8.30 hr
Total water: 4 lit
Day 5
Breakfast – 6 Dragon fruits 1200
4 bananas 400
Lunch – 7 bananas 700
1 mixed berry smoothies 380
2pm 1 thai salad 120
1 mangos <half ripe> 80
Dinner: 3 bananas 300
1 durian 600
Calories 3780
Exercise: 10 min speed run + 40 min weight training
40 min walk+run
1.30 hr boxxing
Sleep: 9 hr.
Total water: 4 litr
Feelings : Lots of energy!
Day 6
Breakfast – half watermelon 120
7 bananas 700
Lunch – 2 bananas 200
1 mixed berry smoothies 380
1.7 kg longan 1700
3pm 1.5 thai salad 180
2 bananas 200
Dinner: 2 bananas smooties 200
6 bananas 600
Calories 3260
Exercise: 1 hr. weight training
Sleep: 8.30 hr
Total water: 3 litr
Feelings: Ran out of my stock bananas. It’s kind of hard to find ripe fruit outdoor. Such a hungry long day
Day 7
Breakfast – 8 dragon fruit 1600
18 negrito 240
Lunch – 10 bananas 800
3pm 7 dates 160
3 bananas 300
Dinner: 5 seed durian 600
2 bananas 200
Calories 3800
Exercise: 1 hr walk+run
1 hr yoga
1 hr dance class
Sleep: 8.30 hr
Total water: 3 litr
Feelings: Go out again so it’s hard to find ripe fruit. I can’t eat enough in one time. Have to keep refill. So frustrate about that!!!
Any advice?
I don't know who to ask
no one around me eat or have an idea about HCLV or raw food
I'll be really appreciate
Thank you
Latest Update!
I just been on the weight machine again today
Now I'm
WEIGHT 55.8 kg Loss 1.2 kg
Fat% 25.2% Loss 3.2%
FAT MASS 14.1kg Loss 2.1 kg
TBW 30.5 kg (muscle weight) UP 1.6 kg
So I guess
Everything should be fine after all
I'm new here and have so many question to ask everyone
I maybe asking too much
As you see, there are 2 of my disussion on board now
Hope you don't bore me
My water is less
even my urine still clear
I think I need more water for the exercise day
What is your height? It is possible that you may not want to lose more weight as 60kg is perfect for some and underweight for others. Some body fat is necessary and healthy for emergency energy storage, to cushion organs and blows from falls, and for regulation of fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin D.
Give it time. I can take a few months for the body to detox and self regulate. Here are some thoughts for you.
When we detox, the body may store that in interstitial tissue and fluid until it can be expelled.
Big muscles are not always healthy muscles. Many times, people on SAD diets have streaks of fat in their muscle. Because you are doing a lot of exercise, your muscles are burning their local energy sources first. No worries. Soon you will have lean muscles and be lean as well.
You may be properly hydrated. Some of the tools used to measure fat mass were actually developed on SAD eaters and or dehydrated people. They are not necessarily calibrated to deal with proper hydration.
Give yourself one day a week for rest and repairs. Over exercising and over training can cause its own damage.
Eat low fat fruits and leafy greens.
And, check out this blog post on healthy causes of weight gain on nutrient dense plant based diets:
Peace, PK
my height is 163 cm
and I used to be 53kg so 60 is fat for me
I thing HCLV is 80/10/10
so I don't need much green?
maybe I'm wrong
I'll add some green in my eating
i think you need to eat more veggies
but it's just few days in so i wouldn't worry
It's only been a week. Your body will probably go through an adjustment period. What was your diet like just before going hclv?
Greens are very important. You can easily get enough greens by blending them in a smoothie. Check out Green For Life for help on that.
I've also heard that BMI is basically useless.
Yes I eat salad someday
but not everyday
I'm trying to do most monomeal as possible
I had the same issue when i first started, but didn't find the cause of it, due to financial reasons, i had to quit and i restarted today (yay for kind people at the market giving me free stuff, 2/3 of my shopping was a gift)
Not sure if it could be by over exercising, cause from what i know, we got 3 energy sources
carbs, fat and protein, and they burn in that order.
When you've burnt all your carbs, you progress to burning your fat and if you overdo it, you go to your protein(muscles) because it's easier to break down protein than fat in emergency situations.
Not sure how you exercise, try doing light stuff and see how that goes.