But, not all readers agree. A small number (5-10%) have not only disagreed, but have done so rather vigorously and vehemently. I have accepted with interest these commentaries, mostly assuming that our book must be having an impact.
I have not been inclined to respond to these relatively few critics. Yet, a few friends and colleagues have asked that I consider doing so, especially because a couple of the seemingly well-researched commentaries are being vigorously promoted far and wide. These include, for example, commentaries by Mr. Chris Masterjohn (Amazon and Barnes & Noble websites, July 4, 2005, and http://www.cholesterol-and-health.com/index.html) and an anonymous Mr. "JayY" (Amazon website, May 18, 2006, with numerous additional "comments" on many positive reviews on Amazon.com). So, here goes my rebuttal.
campbell response to the mnm criticism
in friendship,