Okay. I am very pleased with being on LFRV!!! (= its done wonders for me.
All my mental craziness has been maintained except one. My panic/anxiety attacks.
It happened at work and i was literally crying as i was whipping down tables and trying not to hyperventilate. I felt terror and panic and I never wanted to self harm myself more then i did in that moment and i don't know why because I hadn't self harmed myself in such a long time. Maybe a year (minus one incident). I was so scared of my thoughts (suicidal) and feelings.
It came from no where, so strong.
I have had panic attacks before, plenty, but do you guys know if LFRV diet will ever help constrict this at all? I am very scared one day I will successfully kill myself in the midst of a panic attack and I will be dead before I have the chance to ever regret my actions.
My problem is mainly that this specific panic attack was stronger than most. And i dont know if it is because I am not "numb" with food I typically binge on in a state of depression? So...Since I am un-numbed, is it possible I feel panic x10. Because that's how it felt.
Fortunately its only been once so far. but you know...any advice or insight would be most appreciated. xoxox love you all.
When I first began changing my diet, I did experience some anxiety. I agree with Heather, the detoxing maybe what is making your anxiety more intense. I add Radicchio lettuce to my smoothies, and have found it has helped me. I add cinnamon in small amounts to counteract any bitterness it can add.
Radicchio contains lactucopicrin (intybin), a sesquiterpene lactone. Lactucopicrin is a potent anti-malarial agent and has a sedative and analgesic (painkiller) effect.
Hang in there, It DOES get better.
I am no expert but from what I have read and heard on raw food youtube videos, when you begin to eat clean and get all the junk out with detoxing it brings all emotions to the surface and makes you feel them more strongly since we aren't masking them with food anymore. I also have dealt with panic attacks and self harm (many years ago). I still have anxiety but I purchased the Lucinda Basset Program a couple years ago and it has helped tremendously to help me keep that anxiety under control.
So all I know to tell you is just from my own experience, just feel the feelings and ride them out like a wave but tell urself that it will soon be gone and you will be okay when it blows over. Its just emotoins, they can't hurt you, you have control over your own life. :)
Take care and hang tough! :)