Ok so my friend is wanting to organize a group of people to purchase the 100 acre lot behind our lot.
About a year and half ago we bought a 25 acre lot and subdivided it up with 7 members, me being one. WE are all developing our own lot, me included: planting fruit trees of various cultivars, got my cabin built and got solar power up, working on water... etc
anyways, there is a 100 acre lot behind our 25 acre parcel, that is possible open for grabs if we get enough people interested. A little about the area:
Puna District of the Big Island of Hawaii is located on the East Side (the lush side, not dry and desert like kona), and at this elecation 350~ you can grow any fruit, including ultra-tropicals like durian, marang and pedalai. This is rich volcanic land, the flow back in the 40's or so has since been re-vegetated, so quite a bit of top soil from all the trees dropping leaves and dying, rotting and such... The land, like mine, is prime for growing fruit trees.
We get about 150-200 inches of rain a year, for anyone that hasnt lived in a tropical climate, this can be alot sometimes, especially during the winter which is considered the rainy season. Day time temps during summer spring are 75-85, nighttime 60-65, Winter day time is 70-75, night time at this altitude is 55-60 (sometimes as low as 50, a bit chilly :)) . Humidity is pretty high, especially after a rain, but the moisture in the air feels great, keeps the skin and lungs even healthier. There is a nice breeze that generally blowing gently from the ocean, so this area never gets scorching, and the sun is never too intense, Ive been outside the whole day during summer and never burned (contrary to kona sun, man its intense).
The ocean is 6 miles from this area. THere are wild avocado trees, wild 100 year old mango trees and some other randoms scattered all over East Hawaii. My first year here the wild mangoes had an amazing season and roads were littered with mangos, the scent of mango fermentation heavy in the air :). Natural steam vents, geothermically heated tide pools, endless coconuts (I drink 6 a day on average), black sand beaches, what else, oh Idk tons that Ill just leave a surprise for those that make it over here.
My friend is looking to subdivide it, possible making different sized lots, 3 acres, 5 acres, 10-20 acres. THere are already some fruit trees such as mac nut, coconut and avocado, maybe a jackfruuit, scattered on the land from old orchards and farms that existed a while back, not too much to speak of but worth mentioning.
If there is enough serious interest, lets see it!
, Eden
Flicked you an email, not sure if you got it or if I didn't see your reply?
I'll be in the area in three weeks, keen as to stop by.
I was wondering the same and have not gotten any reply on email. Any news please
let me know. So ready.
I am interested in this as well. I will need to talk to my partner about it before I can officially say yay or nay.
are there mosquitos in hawaii?
My friend met with the property owner today and the meeting went really well! He is eager to sell the land as his children arent interested in it. A second meeting will happen soon to discuss price, ill keep this thread updated as it plays out.
hows the play?? I want in
Update: my friend is scheduled to meet with the owner of the 100 acres next week. We are still looking for a few others that would like to purchase a couple acres of prime Big Island Hawaii :) , email me at roboto212@gmail.com if interested.
Hello . Sounds great . I am very interested. Will write you a mail.