Great bible verse here guys for anyone who hasn't read about it, Daniel wouldn't have been able to do what he did, without making a stand to the king, that he and his men would not be eating the same food as the others, but instead would be eating a diet of vegetables and water.
Can you imagine how much courage it took to stand up to the KING like that? What can we learn from that?
…11But Daniel said to the overseer whom the commander of the officials had appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, 12"Please test your servants for ten days, and let us be given some vegetables to eat and water to drink. 13"Then let our appearance be observed in your presence and the appearance of the youths who are eating the king's choice food; and deal with your servants according to what you see."…
14So he listened to them in this matter and tested them for ten days. 15At the end of ten days their appearance seemed better and they were fatter than all the youths who had been eating the king's choice food. 16So the overseer continued to withhold their choice food and the wine they were to drink, and kept giving them vegetables.