my first trimester for sure was trying. it was sooo physically taxing and it came right at a time when i fell off the raw vegan wagon. (stayed vegan for sure, of course, but i was eating a lot of cooked, processed vegan junk food. . .)
anyway, i've been eating high raw again and i'm drinking a lot of smoothies and eating a lot of organic fruits and i'm finally (so relieved to be) in the honeymoon phase of the second trimester.
anyway. now i'm on the path to having the most natural childbirth possilbe. please help if you can. if you know anything about pregnancy or have any insights at all. i'm wanting an unassisted water birth and i'm wanting to be in a natural environment all the while, with myself and my partner.
after we have our baby, we wish to do some more natural parenting, including elimination communication. . .
have you had any experience in the above areas and can you give me any advice or insights? mahalos <3
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