Water broken at 32 weeks.

Hey Ya'll. Just looking for some more support/experiences/input. I had leaking last Saturday and was originally told it was only urine. Well the following Monday my midwife tested me more thoroughly to discover it was amniotic fluid and my water had broken over the weekend. At only 32 weeks, she had to send me to the nearest major hospital two hours away. One minute my husband and I were at a routine check up thinking about the rest of our plans for the work week, and the next minute we were on the road, moving into the hospital and being told I would likely give birth within days if not immediately. Now we are living here at the hospital simply waiting for birth.What I experienced is apparently called preterm premature rupture of membranes (or pPROM). The doc put me in bed rest hoping to delay labor so my baby can develop more, but they apparently have to weigh the risk of infection against the risks of premature delivery and therefore plan to induce if I make it to 34 weeks. I am thinking if there is no infection and the baby still has amniotic fluid around her I want to wait as MANY WEEKS AS POSSIBLE before delivering, and hoping go into labor naturally.This is a hard thing, but we are praying that our girl can stay in the womb quite a bit longer. Please pray for this miracle with us!

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  • Hope you are doing well! :)

  • Also, midwives usually have to advise you to get second opinions from hospitals just to cover themselves for insurance liability. It's all about liability.
  • I actually posted here about PROM too. And your risk of infection is outdated advice from them, it used to be from women getting checked by dirty hands that caused infection. Decline exams, and take it easy but don't sit around for eight weeks! Babies need mama to move. Maybe Sarah Buckley or Sheila Kitzinger or similar writers have something about this on their sites, idk. My post is probably searchable on here. I had a leak, not a gush or anything, and I stubbornly refused to be fear mongered into a c/s or antibiotics for the nearly zero chance of sepsis or whatever they'll tell you that baby could get. Such fear. Anyway, I've had two healthy unassisted home births! Don't panic, just breathe, move, relax, babies come out when they are ready. Really.
    • Wow, thank you so so much for posting about this! It is so reassuring. I find I start out pretty strong willed but every time the doctor talks to me about options that little seed of fear starts to grow and manipulate so hearing this from you is just really encouraging, thank you so much. I don't ever want to be driven by irrational fear!
  • You need to get a second opinion!  I have had 10 children and have "leaked" with every one from very early on!  The amniotic sack can sometimes gets a small kind of tear which then heals.  Even with the mucus plug (a snotty consistency) will come out in possible pieces and re-establish and re-grow and close up...this is what happens.  I'm not your doctor, but it seems your midwife and doc need a little more education that doesn't promote c-sections.  

    Also, vitamin D, along with Magnesium (from greens or Natural Calm) will help the hormones that keep you pregnant - pregnant, and that help you go into labor - to start things, NATURALLY!

    Drink ALOT of water, eat ALOT of fruit, get ALOT of rest - to be on the safe side.  If you are not having contractions that are 'productive' then your little girl is still growing and hanging out with you.  Relax...don't stress and keep going to God with ANY concern and trust Him to show you and your husband what you should do!  I wish I had know what I know now with my firstborn, but then I would not have had that experience.  So, don't think that things will be bad - even if you do have a section.  God will keep you and your baby throughout this whole time of your lives!  Best wishes and our prayers are with you!!

    • Thank you Bella! Your prayers mean so much to us and it's just great to hear you've been through the same thing and things worked out. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you gals taking the time to share your experiences with me. I feel so much more confident now to make the decisions I believe are right without the fear and guilt of endangering my baby.

      Thank you and God bless!
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