As this is the Raw Till 4 festival does this mean cooked food can/will be eaten? If so can you bring dogs to this festival? And if it's a self catering fest then presumably you can feed them as you go? It would be great to have an Asian festival where dogs are treated as beings worthy of existence given the great contempt they are treated with throughout much of the continent.

But in any case the Raw Till 4 lifestyle is most ideal for living with vegan pets as raw vegan cats is still a very unexplored area and getting enough organic fruit for one human is hard enough let alone feeding a large dog as well. So the cheapest vegan foods for humans of grains, legumes and vegetables are also the most practical for vegan pets.

Perhaps the festival could include a talk on this subject as so many people (including a lot of vegans) are still very uninformed/opposed to vegan pet food.

Here are a selection of videos covering the subject:

The first is Freelee and Durianrider covering the basic science, moral issues and buying options when feeding vegan dogs. 

The second is Vegan Zombie showing a vegan dog food recipe. You don't necessarily need that many ingredients but it shows dogs can eat a wide variety of vegan foods.

The third is Happy Healthy Vegan showing a vegan cat food recipe.

The last one is a video exposing Thailand's dog meat and skin trade. It contains some unpleasant images but nothing bloody or graphic. In the dog sanctuary it shows the dogs appear to be eating boiled grains or something similar.

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  • Dig this idea.

    And I just added this thread to our vegan animal dog/cat thread for future reference on what to feed our furry friends.

    Thanks, Future.

  • Great idea!

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