Hey everyone! Since January, I've got an irritated sciatic nerve. I get treated by an acupuncturist and take homeopathy. I don't have any pain from the nerve anymore, but everytime I try running, my leg gets tight after 10 minutes. Do you have any tips for me? Instead or running I do yoga and go for walks, sometimes a small bike ride.
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foam roller...
...and http://www.100squatsaday.com/ ! ;)
Thanks, I'll ry that!
I love Bowen for sciatica myself (and as a homeopath LOVE homeopathy so much too! I do find the two work really well together)
Most times the calves, but sometimes the back of the quads.
Ease back into running slowly. Keep doing yoga. I had sciatica bad for years...After doing a lot of core strengthening and stretching with yoga it went away. Now running a lot with no problems. the nerve may be impinged in your low back or in muscle typically piriformis, but could be anywhere. Stretch hamstrings a lot and get that core strong!
Thank you so much for your help! <3
Try a chiropractor?