I haven't been running since 2004 when I run Stockholm marathon because of two pregnansies, and childbirth etc, I was a cooked vegan at that time. 2010 I became a 100% rawfooder and now I'm into 811 (for a month now). This spring I started to run again - and I love it - but the day after I have been running, I'm getting cramp in my legs every time I stretch my foot. I never had that before, exept when I was pregnant.
Anyone knows why?
Is it because I don't drink enough water or don't get enough nutrients?
Hope anyone could help me so I can correct.
You are probably dehydrated or not enough electrolytes. It happened to me after a long hike or run in the heat. You need more than water to rehydrate if you have been sweating a lot.
Thank's Joshua, Bella and Harriet for your replies. It was very helpful. I'm gonna add even more greens and ate a date, which I love by the way, whenever the cramp appears.
Even though I have been running for years before my break, I have never felt such a longing for running, it's like my legs want to run all the time and every day. Just like kids. It got to be the 811rv diet.
Hello, whenever i get a cramp i eat one date. when i do ultra runs i ear a date per hour as cramp prevention. i made some tests and for me it works as well as anti cramping , magnesium tablets. don't know why, but it works.enjoy coming back to running. harriet
Magnesium is always the first place to look when cramp/twitch/spasm.
Potassium and calcium are other electrolyte factors involved in cramp/twitch/spasm.
We generally get enough calcium from diet, but lack of B6, Magnesium keeps us from utilizing it.
Mom of 9 children...took me years to figure it was the magnesium...if I don't eat a salad per day, then my legs start to cramp in the mornings. I used to take supplements, but don't need to now. Eat your greens and do drink enough also. Keep well carbed, too, make sure you are eating more since you are more active. Best wishes!!