You know who you all are, 14 - 20something and you "get it". You get it in a way that many people 2 and 3 times your age don't. They invent all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify what they think about animals, meat, etc. And you simply cut to the
In light of recent events, what are your thoughts? In the MSM I haven't seen a lot of applying this to current political debate, doesn't mean it's not happening, I just haven't seen it yet.
If you think it is a false flag operation, aside from the "be
Really sorry to hear about the bombing at the Boston Marathon today. I immediately thought of all the people I know who have gotten into the high veggie/fruit lifestyle and discovered a love for running, started entering marathons, etc. as well as so
I think we need to not live in red alert all the time. I don't think it is healthy, but I do think we need to be vigilant and try to show people the truth about food, to strive for a more loving and just planet/society. In this instance, I think we n
So I saw a piece on CNN where they were interviewing a chef who was born in Italy who talked about Horse meat. They brought up some statistics about horse meat being lean, having more B12 and omega 3 acids than strip steak. They also talked abou