I live in this town in Kentucky and I don't mean to sound rude.. but this place isn't very intelligent..... I have to travel an hour away just to get bananas that are ripe and edible, anyway..
I went to the dentist and he filled my cavity, and the n
I've been trying to get myself to do this diet since 2012 now, and here 3 years later I still have those days I go out and buy a box of bananas, intending to eat 20 per day and then when I get the fruit in my mouth I can barely even chew them disgust
I've been a vegan for a long time now and I know I will never go back to anything other than vegan, or anything cooked, and 2 days ago I started 80/10/10. I am reading the book. I have always drank plenty of water and am always plenty hydrated.. I al