
February 13

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  • Bottom line is that sprouts cannot be compared to plant leaves. Sprouts have INTENSE life force that we get at a point of being super energized, the combined force of thousands of new life forces compared to the mature or even young leaves of a few plants. The enzyme totals are not a reasonable comparison either...
    But there is chlorophyll in both, and possibly similar....
  • Lately, literally "camping out" in the deep snow preparing to "leave" (covered in other posts), I cannot grow it. I am juicing a pound of spinach a day, it tastes great, and while I can feel benefit, I'd rate 10 ounces of spinach juice to be less than 1/3 as effective as 8 ounces of WGJ. I buy 2 pounds of wheat grass from a local company for $8/pound, will last 4 days, then I get by fine on spinach juice.
  • I'm not sure I like my wheatgrass, it's a pain to grow and juice that amount, but that is EASY compared to drinking it. I still cringe and shake each time I have it, but the great life is worth it. Beats being dependent on those white powdered drugs...
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